TheSuperHackers / GeneralsRankedMaps

Generals Zero Hour Ranked Maps
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[Candidate 4v4 Twisted Treeline ZH v1] A few soldiers move down the ramp after evacuating towers #785

Open xezon opened 6 months ago

xezon commented 6 months ago

Observed behavior

A few soldiers move down the ramp after evacuating towers.

Expected behavior

No soldiers move down the ramp after evacuating towers.


2 of 10 soldiers walk down the ramp after evacuation


3 of 10 soldiers walk down the ramp after evacuation


NoMerciBKK commented 6 months ago

units evac in a circle based arround the building, if there is impassible terrain they evac in a bigger circle, that happens on both sides, so as designed

and kinda expected behavior

xezon commented 6 months ago

On most maps this does not happen because bunkers are rarely placed this way.

NoMerciBKK commented 6 months ago

image image

if you put a cricle arround there you know why they are running down the ramp

xezon commented 6 months ago

Note this issue also happened with

and that was fixed.

NoMerciBKK commented 6 months ago

yes but there you have 180° not impassible terrain here you have a lot more impassible terrain

NoMerciBKK commented 6 months ago

Note this issue also happened with

and that was fixed.

there we had an similar problem that the building was to close to the edge