TheThingsArchive / java-app-sdk

The Things Network Application SDK for Java
MIT License
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Split into multiple, renamed artifacts #26

Closed FokkeZB closed 7 years ago

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

We decided we'll rename our libraries to SDKs and extend them beyond wrapping MQTT (#25).

@cambierr any suggestions and implications? Let's look at the big picture here and see if the above is future proof. For example; imagine we'd also have a device SDK at some point for IoT running Java. Then we'd add a repo java-device-sdk and use package name org.thethingsnetwork.device?

cambierr commented 7 years ago

First thought about this:

Well, I think that we should separate this project into different artifacts depending of the features, since maven has a multi-component project system.

  1. I don't think that keeping .java in the groupId is really needed ? We probably should stay with org.thethingsnetwork as groupId to make inclusions shorter and easier
  2. We can keep org.thethingsnetwork as groupId and separate artifacts as follow: 2.1. org.thethingsnetwork.handler.sdk for the http sdk 2.2. org.thethingsnetwork.handler.mqtt for the mqtt wrapper 2.3. (future) org.thethingsnetwork.handler.amqp for amqp wrapper 2.4. (future) org.thethingsnetwork.device.sdk for something related to devices running java

Also, for the http sdk we should consider providing both sync and async apis: org.thethingsnetwork.sdk and org.thethingsnetwork.sdk.async using any popular async framework like

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

I suggested because atm I think if a language can be used on both devices and applications (like Node.js or Java) we might want to have separate SDKs (org.thethingsnetwork.device) because you don't want to have the app-side stuff taking up space on your device.

But maybe it doesn't work like that with Java and we can have one project (SDK) with multiple artificats and you can just decide which ones to actually use (and compile). In that case we'd have:

Also see the draft at

What do you think?

cambierr commented 7 years ago

You're right, java supports multiple artifacts in the same project, meaning that you can build & deploy all of them at the same time using the same group id (org.ttn) but keeping them as different files separately embeddable.

I agree with everything you said. I'll try to get some time to start this week :)

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

Awesmome. Thx a lot @cambierr, for pioneering with the SDK. For Node.js I'll probably create multiple NPM packages under the same repo with the current one simply depending on and exposing all of them. That's how it'll be for most interpreted languages then.

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

After further discussion on Slack we proposed @johanstokking to go with data instead of message and use management instead of manage since that works better in a sentence like: To use the Handler Management API you need an access token.

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

OK, data and management it is. Also, we will keep device and app SDKs separate. So this repo will be renamed (#27) to java-app-sdk not java-sdk.

cambierr commented 7 years ago

So, account SDK is done. Both MQTT and AMQP data sdk are also done. I'll start management sdk by the week-end ;-)

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

Whaaaat?! You rock! 🚀