TheThingsArchive / java-app-sdk

The Things Network Application SDK for Java
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Android Studio and Gradle Integration #58

Closed joaocarlosss84 closed 3 years ago

joaocarlosss84 commented 6 years ago

I'm not an expert on Android development, but I'm trying to compile the SDK at Android Studio using gradle instead of maven. First issue that I found was about the lambda expressions inside the code, so it should be compiled using Java SDK 1.8 or greater.

Another problem that I found was about the classes inside the Management module:

I understood that this "proto" is part of the gRPC from:

So it seems I can generate automatically this proto classes from:

But I will need the proto files, right? Where can I find them?

I saw a "" inside the management folder, which download the Google Go proto and the looks for .proto files inside the TTN repository.

Maybe I'm a little bit lost in here. Could you please help?

Best Regards, JCSS