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The Things Network Stack V2
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Don't schedule downlink on single-channel gateways #140

Closed htdvisser closed 8 years ago

htdvisser commented 8 years ago

Single-channel gateways can only do uplink, so should not be considered for downlink responses

avbentem commented 8 years ago

Just FYI: it seems that some single channel gateways do support downlink. But I guess you could somehow tell.

Here's a single channel NodeMCU/ESP8266 gateway that apparently supports downlink and OTAA:

htdvisser commented 8 years ago

This has been implemented in the refactor branch. When a gateway does not indicate its downlink availability by subscribing to the downlink stream on the Router, no downlink will be scheduled on this gateway. See #199 for more info about the refactor.

MoShawa commented 3 years ago

So, what is the benift of using Single Channel Gateway ? just for monitoring purposes like: Temperature and Humidity. and can we actuate something using Arduino ? SCG is only support one direction either: Uplink/ Downlink ?

htdvisser commented 3 years ago

Back in 2016 the high cost of a multi-channel gateway were the biggest reason for people to build single-channel gateways. Nowadays you can get a multi-channel gateway for less than $70, so there really isn't a good reason for using single-channel gateways anymore. There is however a very good reason for not using them: single-channel gateways are not LoRaWAN compliant.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply. Actually I am working on a Lora iot development kit comes with single channel gateway for Graduation's project. And I do not what is an architecture can be built with this system. Any suggestions?

Regards, Moshawa

htdvisser commented 3 years ago

If you have a single-channel gateway, you're technically building a LoRa network (without the WAN of LoRaWAN). The Things Network is really about LoRaWAN nowadays, so if you try to build something with a single-channel gateway, that may not work properly.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Aim to unsupported lora module on TTN. I moved to build a server through mqtt broker via thingspeak cloud provider. So, i am able to send temperature & humidity to Thingspeak and meanwhile getting txt msgs from it to lora node.

Any idea for upgrading it ?

ghost commented 3 years ago

Please kindly attached this link for architecture i am not able to attach the picture from my phone.