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Contribute to a new Integration #790

Closed josmanperez closed 3 years ago

josmanperez commented 3 years ago


I've been working with microprocessors and IoT for some time now but I haven't tried Lora before. I am very new to this world and I would love to contribute while learning.

I sent an email regarding how can I collaborate in creating a new integration and they suggested me to write a question over the Github repo, so here I am :)

My idea is to build an integration to connect TTN to MongoDB Atlas, I know that currently there is a Data Storage integration but I want to also be able to give the community the option to connect through MongoDB and Atlas directly.

I thought about it because MongoDB as a document database could suit most of the projects based on IoT and also because Atlas is a built-in DBaaS with a Free tier option.

Do you know how can I start?

Thank you so much,

jpmeijers commented 3 years ago

Github isn't the right place for questions like these either. Whoever guided you here was mistaken.

Please ask your question on the Forum:

Or chat to the other TTN community members over on Slack:

josmanperez commented 3 years ago

Hello @jpmeijers , thank you for your answer and sorry for asking the question in the wrong place. I've sent an email to and they guided me through here.

How can I write a comment in the forum? as I don't see an option to do it (sorry if this a silly question)
