TheThingsNetwork / arduino-device-lib

Arduino Library for TTN Devices
MIT License
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ttn.join hangs #172

Closed 0xceb1d closed 7 years ago

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

Having issues with the ttn.join command, ttn.status responds, however when a join is attempted the Arduino/IDE seems to hang (nothing prints. have to unplug board from machine to be able to close serial monitor).

Tested with both a custom dev board (SAMD21) and also Arduino Due using TX/RX1, reset pin flipped before calling ttn.status. Using example code from library (Send).

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

Additional info:

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

Do you have an example sketch for us to reproduce? Did you try using the 4th retry argument to limit the number of times it retries? See

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

appKey ommited:

#include <TheThingsNetwork.h>
#include <TheThingsMessage.h>

// Set your AppEUI and AppKey
const char *appEui = "70B3D57EF0001BEF";
const char *appKey = "";

#define loraSerial Serial2
#define debugSerial SerialUSB

// Replace REPLACE_ME with TTN_FP_EU868 or TTN_FP_US915
#define freqPlan TTN_FP_EU868

TheThingsNetwork ttn(loraSerial, debugSerial, freqPlan);

devicedata_t data = api_DeviceData_init_default;

void setup() {

  while (!debugSerial && millis() < 10000);

  pinMode(17, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(28, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(17, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(17, HIGH);  

  // Wait a maximum of 10s for Serial Monitor

  while (!loraSerial && millis() < 10000);

  debugSerial.println("-- STATUS");


  debugSerial.println("-- JOIN");
  ttn.join(appEui, appKey, 2);

  digitalWrite(28, HIGH);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW

  // Select what fields to include in the encoded message
  data.has_motion = true;
  data.has_water = false;
  data.has_temperature_celcius = true;
  data.has_temperature_fahrenheit = true;
  data.has_humidity = true;

void loop() {
  debugSerial.println("-- LOOP");

  // Read the sensors
  data.motion = true;
  data.water = 682;
  data.temperature_celcius = 30;
  data.temperature_fahrenheit = 86;
  data.humidity = 97;

  // Encode the selected fields of the struct as bytes
  byte *buffer;
  size_t size;
  TheThingsMessage::encodeDeviceData(&data, &buffer, &size);

  ttn.sendBytes(buffer, size);


Output before hang:

EUI: 0004A30B001C4D8F
Battery: 3273
AppEui: 0000000000000000
DevEui: 0004A30B001C4D8F
Data Rate: 5
RX Delay 1: 1000
RX Delay 2: 2000
Total Airtime: 0.00 s
0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

It is pretty much based on the Send example, just adding in a reset for the RN2483 and using Pin 28 to indicate status

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

Thanks @Oliverr. I don't see a reset in your example. Why would you need that?

I would always suggest to first try Send.ino and even remove all accept the first line of the loop() there to just rule out any other causes.

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

Hardware reset:

digitalWrite(17, LOW);  
digitalWrite(17, HIGH);  

I'll try the send.ino and report back

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago
#include <TheThingsNetwork.h>

// Set your AppEUI and AppKey
const char *appEui = "70B3D57EF0001BEF";
const char *appKey = "OMITTED";

#define loraSerial Serial2
#define debugSerial Serial

// Replace REPLACE_ME with TTN_FP_EU868 or TTN_FP_US915
#define freqPlan TTN_FP_EU868

TheThingsNetwork ttn(loraSerial, debugSerial, freqPlan);

void setup() {

  // Wait a maximum of 10s for Serial Monitor
  while (!debugSerial && millis() < 10000);

  debugSerial.println("-- STATUS");

  debugSerial.println("-- JOIN");
  ttn.join(appEui, appKey);

void loop() {
  debugSerial.println("-- LOOP");

  // Prepare payload of 1 byte to indicate LED status
  //byte payload[1];
  //payload[0] = (digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN) == HIGH) ? 1 : 0;

  // Send it off
  //ttn.sendBytes(payload, sizeof(payload));


Produces: -- STATUS

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

Looking at your other sketch Serial should be SerialUSB right?

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

Correct, Serialis an alias of SerialUSB

mikimite commented 7 years ago

Hi, I tried to use it in an AVR, so i found the microcontroller resets itself at a certain moment. I found that the code fails returning from this funtion: void TheThingsNetwork::configureEU868(uint8_t sf) Hope it helps

mikimite commented 7 years ago

found it: changechar dr[1]; per char dr[2];

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

You mean at and

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

@Nicolasdejean please verify

mikimite commented 7 years ago

I wasn't at the last revision. the lines are already changed in the last revision the fix: the lines &

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

Ah, @Oliverr is this the same issue you had? Make sure you are on version 2.0 of the library

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

@FokkeZB I can confirm I am using 2.0.0, still getting locked up during .join()

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

Just checked TheThingsNetwork.cpp, showing char dr[2]; on lines 564 and 622

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

OK, so @mikimite had a different issue then.

@Oliverr what I find weird about your findings with is that it got stuck at showStatus() and not join() while with it was indeed join(). The only difference I see is the use of SerialUSB instead of Serial and the digitalWrite() to pin 17. Any idea?

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

Away at the moment, let me check it in a couple of days. I will make sure the 2 sketches are setup the same way (resets etc.)

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

Just got back. Done some tidying and have the following scenarios:

#include <TheThingsNetwork.h>

#define loraSerial Serial2
#define debugSerial SerialUSB

// Replace REPLACE_ME with TTN_FP_EU868 or TTN_FP_US915
#define freqPlan TTN_FP_EU868

TheThingsNetwork ttn(loraSerial, debugSerial, freqPlan);

void setup()

  pinMode(17, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(17, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(17, HIGH);  


void loop()
  debugSerial.println("Device Information");
  debugSerial.println("Use the EUI to register the device for OTAA");


This works fine:

Device Information

EUI: 0004A30B001C4D8F
Battery: 3263
AppEui: 70B3D57EF0001BEF
DevEui: 0004A30B001C4393
Data Rate: 5
RX Delay 1: 1000
RX Delay 2: 2000
Total Airtime: 0.00 s

Use the EUI to register the device for OTAA

Moving onto the Send scenario, when running this Send example:

#include <TheThingsNetwork.h>

// Set your AppEUI and AppKey
const char *appEui = "70B3D57EF0001BEF";
const char *appKey = "OMITTED";

#define loraSerial Serial2
#define debugSerial SerialUSB

// Replace REPLACE_ME with TTN_FP_EU868 or TTN_FP_US915
#define freqPlan TTN_FP_EU868

TheThingsNetwork ttn(loraSerial, debugSerial, freqPlan);

void setup() {

  // Wait a maximum of 10s for Serial Monitor
  //while (!debugSerial && millis() < 10000);

  pinMode(17, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(17, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(17, HIGH);  

  debugSerial.println("-- STATUS");

  debugSerial.println("-- JOIN");
  ttn.join(appEui, appKey);

void loop() {
  debugSerial.println("-- LOOP");

  // Prepare payload of 1 byte to indicate LED status
  byte payload[1];
  payload[0] = (digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN) == HIGH) ? 1 : 0;

  // Send it off
  ttn.sendBytes(payload, sizeof(payload));


This hangs at the .join() stage, locking up the serial monitor:

EUI: 0004A30B001C4D8F
Battery: 3263
AppEui: 70B3D57EF0001BEF
DevEui: 0004A30B001C4393
Data Rate: 5
RX Delay 1: 1000
RX Delay 2: 2000
Total Airtime: 0.00 s
0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

I have also tested the hardware and gateway configuration with the following code successfully:

#define lora Serial2
#define debugSerial SerialUSB

int tempPin = A9;

void sendCmd( char *cmd) {
  Serial.write( cmd );
  while (!lora.available() ) {
  while (lora.available())

void waitForResponse() {
  while (!lora.available() ) {
  while (lora.available())

char getHexHi( char ch ) {
  char nibble = ch >> 4;
  return (nibble > 9) ? nibble + 'A' - 10 : nibble + '0';
char getHexLo( char ch ) {
  char nibble = ch & 0x0f;
  return (nibble > 9) ? nibble + 'A' - 10 : nibble + '0';

void sendData( char *data) {
  Serial.write( "mac tx uncnf 1 " );
  lora.write( "mac tx uncnf 1 " );
  // Write data as hex characters
  char *ptr = data;
  int idiotCount = 50;
  while (*ptr && idiotCount ) {
    lora.write( getHexHi( *ptr ) );
    lora.write( getHexLo( *ptr ) );

    Serial.write( getHexHi( *ptr ) );
    Serial.write( getHexLo( *ptr ) );


  while (lora.available())

void setup()

  while (!Serial && millis() < 10000);

  Serial.println("RN2483 Test");

  pinMode(17, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(17, LOW);
  digitalWrite(17, HIGH);


  sendCmd("sys factoryRESET");

  sendCmd("mac set appkey OMITTED");
  sendCmd("mac set appeui 70B3D57EF0001BEF");
  sendCmd("mac save");
  sendCmd("mac join otaa");
  sendCmd("mac get status");
  sendCmd("mac get devaddr");


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  float temperature = 0.0;

  int tempReading = analogRead(tempPin);
  float voltage = tempReading * 3.2;
  voltage /= 1024.0; 
  float temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
  temperature = temperatureC;

  char msgBuf[40];
  sprintf(msgBuf, "{\"temp\":%d}", temperature);

  while (lora.available())

FokkeZB commented 7 years ago

Thanks @Oliverr, @Nicolasdejean and @johanstokking will follow up with you.

johanstokking commented 7 years ago

@Oliverr do you mean that with the sketch you posted last, you do not get lock ups, but when using the library, you do?

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

Correct, no issues with join and data is sent and is accessible in production (without the library).

johanstokking commented 7 years ago

Seems like we do some weird things in readLine().

It's hard to debug it remotely because I don't have your hardware setup here. Can you add some debugPrintLn() in the join() and provision() in TheThingsNetwork.cpp so we can at least see where the lock up starts?

johanstokking commented 7 years ago

@Oliverr OK I can confirm that we're screwing up with pointers, see #180, and it's typically device dependent how problems show.

0xceb1d commented 7 years ago

@johanstokking thanks for picking that up. Let me know if you need anything confirming