TheThingsNetwork / arduino-device-lib

Arduino Library for TTN Devices
MIT License
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showStatus() with other Arduino boards #255

Closed Erik-Koning closed 5 years ago

Erik-Koning commented 5 years ago


Im using this lora node board but i've been unsuccessful with finding its EUI using the showStatus() method. It must have a different pin layout than the things network nodes. Where would i change the pin layout in this library's code to enable it to find the EUI hard coded in this HOPERF Lora module?

This is the output of the deviceInfo.ino:

-----Device Information

EUI: Battery: AppEUI: DevEUI: Data Rate: RX Delay 1: RX Delay 2:

Use the EUI to register the device for OTA

Erik-Koning commented 5 years ago

The LMIC_arduino library has a pin mapping const variable as follows: // Pin mapping const lmic_pinmap lmic_pins = { .nss = 6, .rxtx = LMIC_UNUSED_PIN, .rst = 5, .dio = {2, 3, 4}, };

Is there something similar in this repo that I should set to generate device information?

johanstokking commented 5 years ago

This library only works with Microchip RN2xx4 modules.