TheThingsNetwork / arduino-device-lib

Arduino Library for TTN Devices
MIT License
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RN2903 using freqPlan TTN_FP_AS920_923 fails #267

Closed kevin192291 closed 2 years ago

kevin192291 commented 3 years ago

I am attempting to use The Things Uno with the Asian 920-923 range, however I am getting the errors:

Data Rate: 3
RX Delay 1: 1000
RX Delay 2: 2000
Model: RN2903
Version: 0.9.8
Sending: mac save 
Sending: mac set adr off
Sending: mac set rx2 2 923200000
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch dcycle 0 799
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch dcycle 1 799
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch dcycle 2 799
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch freq 2 922000000
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch drrange 2 0 5
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch status 2 on
Sending: mac set ch dcycle 3 799
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch freq 3 922200000
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch drrange 3 0 5
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch status 3 on
Sending: mac set ch dcycle 4 799
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch freq 4 922400000
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch drrange 4 0 5
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch status 4 on
Sending: mac set ch dcycle 5 799
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch freq 5 922600000
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch drrange 5 0 5
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch status 5 on
Sending: mac set ch dcycle 6 799
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch freq 6 922800000
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch drrange 6 0 5
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch status 6 on
Sending: mac set ch dcycle 7 799
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch freq 7 923000000
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch drrange 7 0 5
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set ch status 7 on
Sending: mac set pwridx 1
Response is not OK: invalid_param
Sending: mac set retx 7
Sending: mac set dr 5
Response is not OK: invalid_param

on startup,

Here is my code that I simply ran from the example. I have omitted my keys:

#include <TheThingsNetwork.h>
#include <TheThingsMessage.h>

// Set your AppEUI and AppKey
const char *appEui = "secret";
const char *appKey = "very secret";

#define loraSerial Serial1
#define debugSerial Serial

// Replace REPLACE_ME with TTN_FP_EU868 or TTN_FP_US915 or TTN_FP_AS920_923
#define freqPlan TTN_FP_AS920_923

TheThingsNetwork ttn(loraSerial, debugSerial, freqPlan);

devicedata_t data = api_DeviceData_init_default;

void setup()

  // Wait a maximum of 10s for Serial Monitor
  while (!debugSerial && millis() < 10000)

  debugSerial.println("-- STATUS");

  debugSerial.println("-- JOIN");
  ttn.join(appEui, appKey);

  // Select what fields to include in the encoded message
  data.has_motion = true;
  data.has_water = false;
  data.has_temperature_celcius = true;
  data.has_temperature_fahrenheit = true;
  data.has_humidity = true;

void loop()
  debugSerial.println("-- LOOP");

  // Read the sensors
  data.motion = true;

  // Encode the selected fields of the struct as bytes
  byte *buffer;
  size_t size;
  TheThingsMessage::encodeDeviceData(&data, &buffer, &size);

  ttn.sendBytes(buffer, size);


From the source, it seems correct, any one have any idea why I am getting this error? The firmware version is: Version: 0.9.8

I just tested another chip: Model: RN2903 Version: 1.0.5

Same issue :(

johanstokking commented 3 years ago

Can you try with the passthrough example, and issuing commands directly as specified in the data sheet?

RCPilot1604 commented 2 years ago

@kevin192291 I'm having very similar issues as you. I wrote my sketch and debug serial output on the TTN forum here.

I suspect the supported frequency plans are hard-coded into the chip because changing the freqPlan TTN_FP_AS920_923 to TTN_FP_US915 seemed to solve all the invalid_param errors...

I bought my chip here and am not really that surprised since it did say "North-America" in the description...

Will be trying this one out and will let you know.

kevin192291 commented 2 years ago

@RCPilot1604 It has been quite some time since I was trying to use this chip, I have found there are alternatives. After talking to Microchip directly, they told me that they have never released an official fw for as923. And, to expand on this, this chip lacks a Telec certification, so if you want it to work for hobby purposes, you will be okay, but it is a no-go for building actual products. I have been using RAK chips lately, these are just as, if not more easy to work with. RAK3172 This is certified, it supports LoRaWAN Class A, B, and C, and is a serial connection just like the RN2903.