TheThingsNetwork / lorawan-stack

The Things Stack, an Open Source LoRaWAN Network Server
Apache License 2.0
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Documentation upgrading migrate dr-db fails #4047

Closed jpmeijers closed 3 years ago

jpmeijers commented 3 years ago


I follow the steps on to upgrade my TTS instance. This includes running the three migrations. The third migration command fails with the error below.

$ docker-compose run --rm stack is-db migrate
$ docker-compose run --rm stack ns-db migrate
$ docker-compose run --rm stack dr-db migrate
root@tts-test:~/tts# docker-compose run --rm stack dr-db migrate
Creating tts_stack_run ... done
Device Repository commands

  ttn-lw-stack dr-db [command]

Available Commands:
  init        Fetch Device Repository files and generate index

  -h, --help   help for dr-db

Global Flags:
      --as.device-kek-label string                                        Label of KEK used to encrypt device keys at rest
      --as.distribution.timeout duration                                  Wait timeout of an empty subscription set (default 1m0s)
      --as.fetcher.cache.enable                                           Cache fetched end devices (default true)
      --as.fetcher.cache.size int                                         Cache size
      --as.fetcher.cache.ttl duration                                     TTL for cached end devices (default 5m0s)
      --as.fetcher.circuit-breaker.enable                                 Enable circuit breaker behavior on burst errors (default true)
      --as.fetcher.circuit-breaker.threshold int                          Number of failed fetching attempts after which the circuit breaker opens (default 10)
      --as.fetcher.circuit-breaker.timeout duration                       Timeout after which the circuit breaker closes (default 15m0s)
      --as.fetcher.timeout duration                                       Timeout of the end device retrival operation (default 5s)
      --as.interop.blob.bucket string                                     Bucket to use
      --as.interop.blob.path string                                       Path to use
      --as.interop.config-source string                                   Source of the interoperability client configuration (directory, url, blob) string                                       OS filesystem directory, which contains interoperability client configuration string                                              AS-ID used for interoperability
      --as.interop.url string                                             URL, which contains interoperability client configuration string                                               Deprecated - mode to link applications to their Network Server (all, explicit)
      --as.mqtt.listen string                                             Address for the MQTT frontend to listen on (default ":1883")
      --as.mqtt.listen-tls string                                         Address for the MQTTS frontend to listen on (default ":8883")
      --as.mqtt.public-address string                                     Public address of the MQTT frontend (default "localhost:1883")
      --as.mqtt.public-tls-address string                                 Public address of the MQTTs frontend (default "localhost:8883")
      --as.packages.workers int                                           Number of workers per application package (default 16)
      --as.pubsub.providers strings                                       Controls the status of each provider (enabled, disabled, warning) (default [mqtt=enabled,nats=enabled])
      --as.webhooks.downlink.public-address string                        Public address of the HTTP webhooks frontend (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")
      --as.webhooks.downlink.public-tls-address string                    Public address of the HTTPS webhooks frontend
      --as.webhooks.queue-size int                                        Number of requests to queue (default 16) string                                         Target of the integration (direct) (default "direct") string                            Retrieve the webhook templates from the filesystem (default "/srv/ttn-lorawan/lorawan-webhook-templates")
      --as.webhooks.templates.logo-base-url string                        The base URL for the logo storage
      --as.webhooks.templates.url string                                  Retrieve the webhook templates from a web server (default "")
      --as.webhooks.timeout duration                                      Wait timeout of the target to process the request (default 5s)
      --as.webhooks.workers int                                           Number of workers to process requests (default 16) string                                     Access key ID string                                          S3 endpoint string                                            S3 region string                                 Secret access key string                                     Session token
      --blob.gcp.credentials string                                       JSON data of the GCP credentials, if not using JSON file
      --blob.gcp.credentials-file string                                  Path to the GCP credentials JSON file string                                       OS filesystem directory, which contains buckets (default "./public/blob")
      --blob.provider string                                              Blob store provider (local, aws, gcp) (default "local")
      --cache.redis.address string                                        Address of the Redis server
      --cache.redis.database int                                          Redis database to use
      --cache.redis.failover.addresses strings                            Redis Sentinel server addresses
      --cache.redis.failover.enable                                       Enable failover using Redis Sentinel
      --cache.redis.failover.master-name string                           Redis Sentinel master name
      --cache.redis.namespace strings                                     Namespace for Redis keys
      --cache.redis.password string                                       Password of the Redis server
      --cache.redis.pool-size int                                         The maximum number of database connections
      --cache.redis.tls.insecure-skip-verify                              Skip verification of certificate chains (insecure)
      --cache.redis.tls.require                                           Require TLS
      --cache.redis.tls.root-ca string                                    Location of TLS root CA certificate (optional)
      --cache.service string                                              Service used for caching (redis)
      --cluster.address string                                            Address to use for cluster communication
      --cluster.application-server string                                 Address for the Application Server
      --cluster.crypto-server string                                      Address for the Crypto Server
      --cluster.device-repository string                                  Address for the Device Repository
      --cluster.gateway-server string                                     Address for the Gateway Server
      --cluster.identity-server string                                    Address for the Identity Server
      --cluster.join strings                                              Addresses of cluster peers to join
      --cluster.join-server string                                        Address for the Join Server
      --cluster.keys strings                                              Keys used to communicate between components of the cluster. The first one will be used by the cluster to identify itself string                                               Name of the current cluster peer (default: $HOSTNAME) string                                     Address for the Network Server
      --cluster.packet-broker-agent string                                Address of the Packet Broker Agent
      --cluster.tls                                                       Do cluster gRPC over TLS
      --cluster.tls-server-name string                                    Server name to use in TLS handshake to cluster peers
  -c, --config strings                                                    Location of the config files (default [.ttn-lw-stack.yml,/home/thethings/.ttn-lw-stack.yml,/home/thethings/.config/.ttn-lw-stack.yml])
      --console.mount string                                              Path on the server where the Console will be served
      --console.oauth.authorize-url string                                The OAuth Authorize URL (default "http://localhost:1885/oauth/authorize")
      --console.oauth.client-id string                                    The OAuth client ID (default "console")
      --console.oauth.client-secret string                                The OAuth client secret (default "console")
      --console.oauth.logout-url string                                   The OAuth Logout URL (default "http://localhost:1885/oauth/logout")
      --console.oauth.token-url string                                    The OAuth Token Exchange URL (default "http://localhost:1885/oauth/token")
      --console.ui.account-url string                                     The URL that points to the root of the Account (default "/oauth") string                                     Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")                                             Enable this API (default true)
      --console.ui.assets-base-url string                                 The base URL to the page assets (default "/assets")
      --console.ui.branding-base-url string                               The base URL to the branding assets
      --console.ui.canonical-url string                                   The page canonical URL (default "http://localhost:1885/console")
      --console.ui.css-file strings                                       The names of the CSS files (default [console.css])
      --console.ui.descriptions string                                    The page description
      --console.ui.documentation-base-url string                          The base URL for generating documentation links (default "")
      --console.ui.edtc.base-url string                                   Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")
      --console.ui.edtc.enabled                                           Enable this API (default true)
      --console.ui.gcs.base-url string                                    Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")
      --console.ui.gcs.enabled                                            Enable this API (default true) string                                     Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")                                             Enable this API (default true)
      --console.ui.icon-prefix string                                     The prefix to put before the page icons (favicon.ico, touch-icon.png, og-image.png) (default "console-") string                                     Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")                                             Enable this API (default true)
      --console.ui.js-file strings                                        The names of the JS files (default [console.js])
      --console.ui.js.base-url string                                     Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")
      --console.ui.js.enabled                                             Enable this API (default true)
      --console.ui.language string                                        The page language (default "en")
      --console.ui.ns.base-url string                                     Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")
      --console.ui.ns.enabled                                             Enable this API (default true)
      --console.ui.qrg.base-url string                                    Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")
      --console.ui.qrg.enabled                                            Enable this API (default true)
      --console.ui.sentry-dsn string                                      The Sentry DSN string                                       The site name (default "The Things Stack for LoRaWAN")
      --console.ui.sub-title string                                       The page sub-title (default "Management platform for The Things Stack for LoRaWAN") string                                    The URI that the support button will point to
      --console.ui.theme-color string                                     The page theme color
      --console.ui.title string                                           The page title (default "Console")
      --dr.assets-base-url string                                         The base URL for Device Repository assets (default "") string                                               OS filesystem directory, which contains the Device Repository (default "data/lorawan-devices")
      --dr.source string                                                  Device Repository Source (directory) (default "directory") strings                               Search paths for the Device Repository index files (default [lorawan-devices-index,/srv/ttn-lorawan/lorawan-devices-index])
      --dtc.enabled strings                                               Enabled converters
      --events.backend string                                             Backend to use for events (internal, redis, cloud) (default "internal") string                                   URL for the topic to send events string                                 URL for the subscription to receiving events
      --events.redis.address string                                       Address of the Redis server
      --events.redis.database int                                         Redis database to use
      --events.redis.failover.addresses strings                           Redis Sentinel server addresses
      --events.redis.failover.enable                                      Enable failover using Redis Sentinel
      --events.redis.failover.master-name string                          Redis Sentinel master name
      --events.redis.namespace strings                                    Namespace for Redis keys
      --events.redis.password string                                      Password of the Redis server
      --events.redis.pool-size int                                        The maximum number of database connections
      --events.redis.tls.insecure-skip-verify                             Skip verification of certificate chains (insecure)
      --events.redis.tls.require                                          Require TLS
      --events.redis.tls.root-ca string                                   Location of TLS root CA certificate (optional)
      --frequency-plans.blob.bucket string                                Bucket to use
      --frequency-plans.blob.path string                                  Path to use
      --frequency-plans.config-source string                              Source of the frequency plans (static, directory, url, blob) string                                  OS filesystem directory, which contains frequency plans (default "/srv/ttn-lorawan/lorawan-frequency-plans")
      --frequency-plans.url string                                        URL, which contains frequency plans (default "")
      --gcs.basic-station.allow-cups-uri-update                           Allow CUPS URI updates
      --gcs.basic-station.default.lns-uri string                          The default LNS URI that the gateways should use (default "wss://localhost:8887")
      --gcs.basic-station.owner-for-unknown.account-type string           Type of account to register unknown gateways to (user|organization)
      --gcs.basic-station.owner-for-unknown.api-key string                API Key to use for unknown gateway registration string                     ID of the account to register unknown gateways to
      --gcs.basic-station.require-explicit-enable                         Require gateways to explicitly enable CUPS. This option is ineffective
      --gcs.require-auth                                                  Require authentication for the HTTP endpoints. (default true)
      --gcs.the-things-gateway.default.firmware-url string                The default URL to the firmware storage (default "")
      --gcs.the-things-gateway.default.mqtt-server string                 The default MQTT server that the gateways should use (default "mqtts://localhost:8881")
      --gcs.the-things-gateway.default.update-channel string              The default update channel that the gateways should use (default "stable")
      --grpc.allow-insecure-for-credentials                               Allow transmission of credentials over insecure transport
      --grpc.listen string                                                Address for the TCP gRPC server to listen on (default ":1884")
      --grpc.listen-tls string                                            Address for the TLS gRPC server to listen on (default ":8884")
      --grpc.log-ignore-methods strings                                   List of paths for which successful requests will not be logged
      --grpc.trusted-proxies strings                                      CIDRs of trusted reverse proxies (default [,,,,])
      --gs.basic-station.allow-unauthenticated                            Allow unauthenticated connections
      --gs.basic-station.fallback-frequency-plan-id string                Fallback frequency plan ID for non-registered gateways
      --gs.basic-station.listen string                                    Address for the Basic Station frontend to listen on (default ":1887")
      --gs.basic-station.listen-tls string                                Address for the Basic Station frontend to listen on (with TLS) (default ":8887")
      --gs.basic-station.max-valid-round-trip-delay duration              Maximum valid round trip delay to qualify for RTT calculations (default 10s)
      --gs.basic-station.use-traffic-tls-address                          Use WSS for the traffic address regardless of the TLS setting duration                        Interval to send WS ping messages (default 30s)
      --gs.forward strings                                                Forward the DevAddr prefixes to the specified hosts (default [=00000000/0])
      --gs.mqtt-v2.listen string                                          Address for the MQTT frontend to listen on (default ":1881")
      --gs.mqtt-v2.listen-tls string                                      Address for the MQTTS frontend to listen on (default ":8881")
      --gs.mqtt-v2.public-address string                                  Public address of the MQTT frontend (default "localhost:1881")
      --gs.mqtt-v2.public-tls-address string                              Public address of the MQTTs frontend (default "localhost:8881")
      --gs.mqtt.listen string                                             Address for the MQTT frontend to listen on (default ":1882")
      --gs.mqtt.listen-tls string                                         Address for the MQTTS frontend to listen on (default ":8882")
      --gs.mqtt.public-address string                                     Public address of the MQTT frontend (default "localhost:1882")
      --gs.mqtt.public-tls-address string                                 Public address of the MQTTs frontend (default "localhost:8882")
      --gs.require-registered-gateways                                    Require the gateways to be registered in the Identity Server
      --gs.udp.addr-change-block duration                                 Time to block traffic when a gateway's address changes
      --gs.udp.connection-error-expires duration                          Time after which a connection error of a gateway expires (default 5m0s)
      --gs.udp.connection-expires duration                                Time after which a connection of a gateway expires (default 1m0s)
      --gs.udp.downlink-path-expires duration                             Time after which a downlink path to a gateway expires (default 15s)
      --gs.udp.listeners strings                                          Listen addresses with (optional) fallback frequency plan ID for non-registered gateways (default [:1700=])
      --gs.udp.packet-buffer int                                          Buffer size of unhandled packets (default 50)
      --gs.udp.packet-handlers int                                        Number of concurrent packet handlers (default 16)
      --gs.udp.rate-limiting.enable                                       Enable rate limiting for gateways (default true)
      --gs.udp.rate-limiting.messages int                                 Number of past messages to check timestamp for (default 10)
      --gs.udp.rate-limiting.threshold duration                           Filter packet if timestamp is not newer than the older timestamps of the previous messages by this threshold (default 10ms)
      --gs.udp.schedule-late-time duration                                Time in advance to send downlink to the gateway when scheduling late (default 800ms)
      --gs.update-connection-stats-debounce-time duration                 Time before repeated refresh of the gateway connection stats (default 3s)
      --gs.update-gateway-location-debounce-time duration                 Debounce time for gateway location updates from status messages (default 1h0m0s)
      --http.cookie.block-key string                                      Key for cookie contents encryption (16, 24 or 32 bytes)
      --http.cookie.hash-key string                                       Key for cookie contents verification (32 or 64 bytes)                                                Enable health check endpoint on HTTP server (default true) string                                       Password to protect health endpoint (username is health)
      --http.listen string                                                Address for the HTTP server to listen on (default ":1885")
      --http.listen-tls string                                            Address for the HTTPS server to listen on (default ":8885")
      --http.log-ignore-paths strings                                     List of paths for which successful requests will not be logged
      --http.metrics.enable                                               Enable metrics endpoint on HTTP server (default true)
      --http.metrics.password string                                      Password to protect metrics endpoint (username is metrics)
      --http.pprof.enable                                                 Enable pprof endpoint on HTTP server (default true)
      --http.pprof.password string                                        Password to protect pprof endpoint (username is pprof)
      --http.redirect-to-host string                                      Redirect all requests to one host
      --http.redirect-to-tls                                              Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS
      --http.static.mount string                                          Path on the server where static assets will be served (default "/assets") strings                                   List of paths for finding the directory to serve static assets from (default [public,/srv/ttn-lorawan/public])
      --http.trusted-proxies strings                                      CIDRs of trusted reverse proxies (default [,,,,])
      --interop.listen-tls string                                         Address for the interop server to listen on (default ":8886")
      --interop.sender-client-ca.blob.bucket string                       Bucket to use
      --interop.sender-client-ca.blob.path string                         Path to use string                         OS filesystem directory, which contains sender client CA configuration
      --interop.sender-client-ca.source string                            Source of the sender client CA configuration (static, directory, url, blob)
      --interop.sender-client-ca.url string                               URL, which contains sender client CA configuration
      --is.admin-rights.all                                               Grant all rights to admins, including _KEYS and _ALL
      --is.auth-cache.membership-ttl duration                             TTL of membership caches (default 10m0s)
      --is.database-uri string                                            Database connection URI (default "postgresql://root@localhost:26257/ttn_lorawan_dev?sslmode=disable")
      --is.delete.restore duration                                        How long after soft-deletion an entity can be restored (default 24h0m0s) string                               The URL of the Console (default "http://localhost:1885/console") string                       The URL of the Identity Server (default "http://localhost:1885/oauth") string                                      The name of the network (default "The Things Stack for LoRaWAN") string                                          Email provider to use string                                    The address of the sender string                                       The name of the sender string                                  The SendGrid API key to use                                         Use SendGrid sandbox mode for testing string                                      SMTP server address int                                     Maximum number of connections to the SMTP server string                                     Password to authenticate with string                                     Username to authenticate with string                             Bucket to use string                               Path to use string                               Retrieve the email templates from the filesystem strings                               The email templates that will be preloaded on startup string                                  Source of the email template files (static, directory, url, blob) string                                     Retrieve the email templates from a web server
      --is.end-device-picture.bucket string                               Bucket used for storing end device pictures (default "end_device_pictures")
      --is.end-device-picture.bucket-url string                           Base URL for public bucket access (default "/assets/blob/end_device_pictures")
      --is.end-device-picture.disable-upload                              Disable uploading end device pictures
      --is.gateways.encryption-key-id string                              ID of the key used to encrypt gateway secrets at rest
      --is.login-tokens.enabled                                           enable users requesting login tokens
      --is.login-tokens.token-ttl duration                                TTL of login tokens (default 1h0m0s)
      --is.oauth.mount string                                             Path on the server where the Account application and OAuth services will be served (default "/oauth")
      --is.oauth.ui.assets-base-url string                                The base URL to the page assets (default "/assets")
      --is.oauth.ui.branding-base-url string                              The base URL to the branding assets
      --is.oauth.ui.canonical-url string                                  The page canonical URL (default "http://localhost:1885/oauth")
      --is.oauth.ui.console-url string                                    The URL that points to the root of the Console (default "/console")
      --is.oauth.ui.css-file strings                                      The names of the CSS files (default [account.css])
      --is.oauth.ui.descriptions string                                   The page description
      --is.oauth.ui.icon-prefix string                                    The prefix to put before the page icons (favicon.ico, touch-icon.png, og-image.png) (default "oauth-") string                                    Base URL to the HTTP API (default "http://localhost:1885/api/v3")                                            Enable this API (default true)
      --is.oauth.ui.js-file strings                                       The names of the JS files (default [account.js])
      --is.oauth.ui.language string                                       The page language (default "en")
      --is.oauth.ui.sentry-dsn string                                     The Sentry DSN string                                      The site name (default "The Things Stack for LoRaWAN")
      --is.oauth.ui.sub-title string                                      The page sub-title
      --is.oauth.ui.theme-color string                                    The page theme color
      --is.oauth.ui.title string                                          The page title (default "Account")
      --is.profile-picture.bucket string                                  Bucket used for storing profile pictures (default "profile_pictures")
      --is.profile-picture.bucket-url string                              Base URL for public bucket access (default "/assets/blob/profile_pictures")
      --is.profile-picture.disable-upload                                 Disable uploading profile pictures
      --is.profile-picture.use-gravatar                                   Use Gravatar fallback for users without profile picture (default true)
      --is.user-registration.admin-approval.required                      Require admin approval for new users             Require contact info validation for new users duration   TTL of contact info validation tokens (default 48h0m0s)
      --is.user-registration.enabled                                      Enable user registration (default true)
      --is.user-registration.invitation.required                          Require invitations for new users
      --is.user-registration.invitation.token-ttl duration                TTL of user invitation tokens (default 168h0m0s)
      --is.user-registration.password-requirements.max-length int         Maximum password length (default 1000)
      --is.user-registration.password-requirements.min-digits int         Minimum number of digits (default 1)
      --is.user-registration.password-requirements.min-length int         Minimum password length (default 8)
      --is.user-registration.password-requirements.min-special int        Minimum number of special characters
      --is.user-registration.password-requirements.min-uppercase int      Minimum number of uppercase letters (default 1)
      --is.user-rights.create-applications                                Allow non-admin users to create applications in their user account (default true)
      --is.user-rights.create-clients                                     Allow non-admin users to create OAuth clients in their user account (default true)
      --is.user-rights.create-gateways                                    Allow non-admin users to create gateways in their user account (default true)
      --is.user-rights.create-organizations                               Allow non-admin users to create organizations in their user account (default true)
      --js.device-kek-label string                                        Label of KEK used to encrypt device keys at rest
      --js.join-eui-prefix strings                                        JoinEUI prefixes handled by this JS (default [0000000000000000/0])
      --key-vault.cache.size int                                          Cache size. Caching is disabled if size is 0
      --key-vault.cache.ttl duration                                      Cache elements time to live. No expiration mechanism is used if TTL is 0
      --key-vault.provider string                                         Provider (static) (default "static")
      --key-vault.static strings                                          
      --log.level string                                                  The minimum level log messages must have to be shown (default "info")
      --ns.application-uplink-queue.buffer-size uint                       (default 1000)
      --ns.cooldown-window duration                                       Time window starting right after deduplication window, during which, duplicate messages are discarded (default 1s)
      --ns.deduplication-window duration                                  Time window during which, duplicate messages are collected for metadata (default 200ms)
      --ns.default-mac-settings.adr-margin string                         The default margin Network Server should add in ADR requests if not configured in device's MAC settings (default "15")
      --ns.default-mac-settings.class-b-timeout string                    Deadline for a device in class B mode to respond to requests from the Network Server if not configured in device's MAC settings (default "10m0s")
      --ns.default-mac-settings.class-c-timeout string                    Deadline for a device in class C mode to respond to requests from the Network Server if not configured in device's MAC settings (default "5m0s")
      --ns.default-mac-settings.desired-adr-ack-delay-exponent string     Desired ADR_ACK_DELAY value Network Server should use if not configured in device's MAC settings
      --ns.default-mac-settings.desired-adr-ack-limit-exponent string     Desired ADR_ACK_LIMIT value Network Server should use if not configured in device's MAC settings
      --ns.default-mac-settings.desired-max-duty-cycle string             Desired MaxDutyCycle value Network Server should use if not configured in device's MAC settings
      --ns.default-mac-settings.desired-rx1-delay string                  Desired Rx1Delay value Network Server should use if not configured in device's MAC settings (default "5")
      --ns.default-mac-settings.status-count-periodicity string           Number of uplink messages after which a DevStatusReq MACCommand shall be sent by Network Server if not configured in device's MAC settings (default "200")
      --ns.default-mac-settings.status-time-periodicity string            The interval after which a DevStatusReq MACCommand shall be sent by Network Server if not configured in device's MAC settings (default "24h0m0s") strings                                      Device address prefixes of this Network Server
      --ns.device-kek-label string                                        Label of KEK used to encrypt device keys at rest
      --ns.downlink-priorities.join-accept string                         Priority for join-accept messages (lowest, low, below_normal, normal, above_normal, high, highest) (default "highest")
      --ns.downlink-priorities.mac-commands string                        Priority for messages carrying MAC commands (lowest, low, below_normal, normal, above_normal, high, highest) (default "highest")
      --ns.downlink-priorities.max-application-downlink string            Maximum priority for application downlink messages (lowest, low, below_normal, normal, above_normal, high, highest) (default "high")
      --ns.downlink-queue-capacity int                                    Maximum downlink queue size per-session (default 10000)
      --ns.interop.blob.bucket string                                     Bucket to use
      --ns.interop.blob.path string                                       Path to use
      --ns.interop.config-source string                                   Source of the interoperability client configuration (directory, url, blob) string                                       OS filesystem directory, which contains interoperability client configuration
      --ns.interop.url string                                             URL, which contains interoperability client configuration string                                                  NetID of this Network Server (default "000000")
      --output-format string                                              Output format (default "json")
      --pba.authentication-mode string                                    Authentication mode (tls, oauth2) (default "oauth2")
      --pba.cluster-id string                                             Cluster ID uniquely identifying the Forwarder in the NetID and Tenant ID
      --pba.control-plane-address string                                  Address of Packet Broker Control Plane (default "") string                                     Address of the Packet Broker Data Plane
      --pba.forwarder.enable                                              Enable Forwarder role
      --pba.forwarder.hash-gateway-id                                     Hash the gateway ID (if forwarded in the metadata)
      --pba.forwarder.include-gateway-eui                                 Include the gateway EUI in forwarded metadata (default true)
      --pba.forwarder.include-gateway-id                                  Include the gateway ID in forwarded metadata (default true)
      --pba.forwarder.token-key string                                    AES 128 or 256-bit key for encrypting tokens
      --pba.forwarder.worker-pool.limit int                               Limit of active workers (default 1024)
      --pba.home-network-cluster-id string                                Home Network Cluster ID, if different from the Cluster ID strings                        DevAddr prefixes to subscribe to
      --pba.home-network.enable                                           Enable Home Network role
      --pba.home-network.worker-pool.limit int                            Limit of active workers (default 4096)
      --pba.iam-address string                                            Address of Packet Broker IAM (default "")
      --pba.insecure                                                      Connect without using TLS string                                                 LoRa Alliance NetID (default "000000")
      --pba.oauth2.client-id string                                       API key ID used as client ID
      --pba.oauth2.client-secret string                                   Secret API key value used as client secret
      --pba.oauth2.token-url string                                       Token URL (default "") string              Email address
      --pba.registration.listed                                           List the Home Network in the Packet Broker catalog (default true) string                                      Friendly name to register with Packet Broker string                   Email address
      --pba.tenant-id string                                              Tenant ID within the NetID
      --pba.tls.certificate string                                        Location of TLS certificate
      --pba.tls.key string                                                Location of TLS private key string                                       ID of the certificate
      --pba.tls.source string                                             Source of the TLS certificate (file, key-vault)
      --rate-limiting.memory.max-size uint                                Maximum store size for the rate limiter
      --redis.address string                                              Address of the Redis server (default "localhost:6379")
      --redis.database int                                                Redis database to use
      --redis.failover.addresses strings                                  Redis Sentinel server addresses
      --redis.failover.enable                                             Enable failover using Redis Sentinel
      --redis.failover.master-name string                                 Redis Sentinel master name
      --redis.namespace strings                                           Namespace for Redis keys (default [ttn,v3])
      --redis.password string                                             Password of the Redis server
      --redis.pool-size int                                               The maximum number of database connections
      --redis.tls.insecure-skip-verify                                    Skip verification of certificate chains (insecure)
      --redis.tls.require                                                 Require TLS
      --redis.tls.root-ca string                                          Location of TLS root CA certificate (optional)
      --rights.ttl duration                                               Validity of Identity Server responses (default 2m0s)
      --sentry.dsn string                                                 Sentry Data Source Name
      --sentry.environment string                                         Environment to report to Sentry
      --tls.acme.default-host string                                      Default host to assume for clients without SNI
      --tls.acme.dir string                                               Location of ACME storage directory string                                             Email address to register with the ACME account
      --tls.acme.enable                                                   Enable automated certificate management (ACME). This setting is deprecated; set the TLS config source to acme instead
      --tls.acme.endpoint string                                          ACME endpoint (default "")
      --tls.acme.hosts strings                                            Hosts to enable automatic certificates for
      --tls.certificate string                                            Location of TLS certificate (default "cert.pem")
      --tls.insecure-skip-verify                                          Skip verification of certificate chains (insecure)
      --tls.key string                                                    Location of TLS private key (default "key.pem") string                                           ID of the certificate
      --tls.root-ca string                                                Location of TLS root CA certificate (optional)
      --tls.source string                                                 Source of the TLS certificate (file, acme, key-vault)

Use "ttn-lw-stack dr-db [command] --help" for more information about a command.
root@tts-test:~/tts# docker-compose run --rm stack dr-db init
Creating tts_stack_run ... done
  INFO Preparing working directory              source=data/lorawan-devices working_directory=/srv/ttn-lorawan/lorawan-devices-index
lstat data/lorawan-devices: no such file or directory
ERROR: 255

Why do we need this ?


What is already there? What do you see now?


What is missing? What do you want to see?


How do you propose to document this?

There is either a missing step, or the documentation is wrong.

Can you do this yourself and submit a Pull Request?


neoaggelos commented 3 years ago

Hi @jpmeijers. Indeed, this was an oversight in the documentation, there is no need to run any dr-db commands.