TheThingsNetwork / lorawan-stack

The Things Stack, an Open Source LoRaWAN Network Server
Apache License 2.0
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Bug create/list device status OK but nthing in TTN Console #6824

Closed FK-sauve closed 4 months ago

FK-sauve commented 5 months ago


"Hi all, this is my first contribution to TTN and GitHub, so it may not be very well-written. Apologies :) I created a Python script to create a 'Device' on TTN using the MQTT method. Everything works fine, but I don't see the devices created in the TTN console. Perhaps it's a bug, or there's certainly something wrong with my code."

Steps to Reproduce

I publish detail and Code on my repo : 1 You can use and adapt my python code by changing NWS key (MQTT Credentials) 2 Run Python3 'create device' 2.1 status TTN OK (confirm device is created) 3 got ot TTN console and see there no device created 4 Run '' 4.1 Status TTN OK (device exist) 5 You see device created !? but nothing On TTN console

Current Result

Device create and confirm

Expected Result

see device on TTN console

Relevant Logs

Please, See github for more details


No response


The Things Stack Cloud

The Things Stack Version


Client Name and Version

Windows1O / Python3 / PAHO_MQTT

Other Information

No response

Proposed Fix

No response


Code of Conduct

KrishnaIyer commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the issue but please include all the debugging steps in the issue template directly. We cannot unfortunately process an issue if the details are in a separate repository.

We will soon add clear documentation on how to create devices using the API. I'll link that here once done.

FK-sauve commented 5 months ago

Hi M. Krishnalyer, would you mind see more information below: please see Python commented Code at end of comment.


'''BUG-TTNV3 ------------------- CREATE DEVICE RESULT ---------- runfile('A:/APP/root/UPPA-TEST/create device', wdir='A:/APP/root/UPPA-TEST')

Return from TTN API

Dispositif eui-70b3d57ed0063abc approvisionné avec succès en mode ABP avec reset des compteurs. {"ids":{"device_id":"eui-70b3d57ed0063abc","application_ids":{"application_id":"test-all"}},"created_at":"2024-01-10T05:05:56.196456285Z","updated_at":"2024-01-10T05:05:56.196456285Z"} status code: 200'''

Not seen in TTN console image

But Created In TTN:


'''--------------- TEST IF device EXIST -----------'''
''' runfile('A:/APP/root/UPPA-TEST/'

Return FOM TTN as exist:

wdir='A:/APP/root/UPPA-TEST') Le dispositif eui-70b3d57ed0063abc existe dans l'application test-all. Détails du dispositif: {'ids': {'device_id': 'eui-70b3d57ed0063abc', 'application_ids': {'application_id': 'test-all'}}, 'created_at': '2024-01-10T05:05:56.196456285Z', 'updated_at': '2024-01-10T05:05:56.196456285Z'}

Caractéristiques du dispositif eui-70b3d57ed0063abc dans l'application test-all: {'ids': {'device_id': 'eui-70b3d57ed0063abc', 'application_ids': {'application_id': 'test-all'}}, 'created_at': '2024-01-10T05:05:56.196456285Z', 'updated_at': '2024-01-10T05:05:56.196456285Z'}


"---------------------------- PYTHON SCRIPT -----------------------------" 1) Create:

-- coding: utf-8 --

""" Created on Wed Jan 10 04:05:02 2024 This script demonstrate TTN device approvisionning Python 3.11 Windows and linux work's well @author: FSauve """

import requests import json

Credentials and all that we need to create

app_id = 'test-all' access_key = '.......................4F4BUR4ANY.GFXCOLU22BOUARVUOOMPAE22INOOHTQBUWSTP2R3FFVPEI6GQJ2A' dev_id = 'eui-70b3d57ed0063abd' nwk_key = 'E5784B6171A5DAA2F1F5D8A6AB149ABD' app_key = 'E8C54D73F451C89A1C402C49DF27DABD'

URL de lAPI TTN V3 pour approvisionner un dispositif en ABP

Mode ABP URL set in TTN DOC

api_url = f'{app_id}/devices/{dev_id}'

Donnees du dispositif LoRaWAN

Data to create device value to TTN

device_data = { "ids": {"device_id": dev_id}, "lorawan_device": { "device_keys": { "nwk_key": nwk_key, "app_key": app_key }, "supports_join": False, "mac_settings": { "reset_frame_counters": True } } }

En-têtes de la requête avec l'access key

headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

Envoi de la requête HTTP PUT pour approvisionner le dispositif

Send HTTP request to TTN with credentials

response = requests.put(api_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(device_data))

Vérification du code de statut de la réponse

if response.status_code == 200:

response 200 = OK this device is create

print(f"Dispositif {dev_id} approvisionné avec succès en mode ABP avec reset des compteurs.")
print(' status code:', response.status_code)


HTTP response != 200 so no creation

print(f"Erreur lors de l'approvisionnement du dispositif. Code de statut : {response.status_code}")

-------------------------- TEST IF Device Create -----------------------------

-- coding: utf-8 --

""" Created on Wed Jan 10 04:15:39 2024 Test if device exist in TTN @author: FSauve """

import requests

Remplacez ces valeurs par les informations spécifiques à votre application et votre dispositif

app_id = 'votre_app_id'

access_key = 'votre_access_key'

dev_id = 'votre_dev_id'

app_id = 'test-all' access_key = '....7EAFZ46SJEUSOAZVYMW4......GFXCOLU22BOUARVUOOMPAE22INOOHTQBUWSTP2R3FFVPEI6GQJ2A' dev_id = 'eui-70b3d57ed0063abd'

URL de l'API TTN V3 pour récupérer les détails du dispositif

TTN url to testif device exist

api_url = f'{app_id}/devices/{dev_id}'

En-têtes de la requête avec l'access key

headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

Envoi de la requête HTTP GET pour récupérer les détails du dispositif

response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers)

Vérification du code de statut de la réponse

if response.status_code == 200:

200 = Exist

print(f"Le dispositif {dev_id} existe dans l'application {app_id}.")
device_details = response.json()
print("Détails du dispositif:")

else: if response.status_code == 404: print(f"Le dispositif {dev_id} n'existe pas dans l'application {app_id}.") else: print(f"Erreur lors de la récupération des détails du dispositif. Code de statut : {response.status_code}") print(response.text)

URL de l'API TTN V3 pour récupérer les détails du dispositif

api_url = f'{app_id}/devices/{dev_id}'

En-têtes de la requête avec l'access key

headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

Envoi de la requête HTTP GET pour récupérer les détails du dispositif

response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers)

Vérification du code de statut de la réponse

if response.status_code == 200: device_details = response.json() print(f"Caractéristiques du dispositif {dev_id} dans l'application {app_id}:") print(device_details)

FK-sauve commented 4 months ago

Hello, is there any issue about this bug? For information TTN says that device is created via API return status code 200, confirm device is really create but don't push the device in user's console. So the device remain a 'ghost' one and we can't delete it via ttn console. We can create a lot of device for debug purpose if log are require.Have a good day.