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The Things Kickstarter Gateway
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Unable to turn off wifi AP mode on the gateway #10

Closed sourceperl closed 6 years ago

sourceperl commented 6 years ago


I use the ethernet link to connect the gateway to the internet.

After activation the wifi AP mode is not turn off and my gateway always broadcast the SSID ""Things-Gateway-0001ECxxxxxx". The default password "thethings" also remain active... It's really not secure.

I'm unable to fix this. I try the embedded web manager, the serial debug (the wifi cmd seem not work) and

My firmware is : (Firmware HASH (sha256)) 69 AE B7 78 1F 49 4E 7F BC B6 C7 CD 9C 59 4F 5D FA AA 3D 81 D4 9C 56 90 A6 83 81 98 FF 18 88 6A

Bootloader is: Firmware name: AmazingAckermann, type: 0, version: 1.0.0, commit: 917719b9, timestamp: 1498499973 Bootloader revision: 1, commit: 7167873a, timestamp: 1496411298 Build time: Jun 26 2017 19:59:53

sourceperl commented 6 years ago

after some test, i find the command "if wlan0 down" this turn off wifi access point but it's not persistent after reboot.

IJeffray commented 6 years ago

I would very much like to run with Ethernet only and the WLAN module completely disabled. For security, and for keeping the air clear. I'm very surprised this isn't an option already as it would surely be simple to implement. It could even be 'automatic' - if Ethernet is present at bootup, disable the Wifi -- no need for any user interface.

cyberjunky commented 6 years ago

Sometimes you might need the wifi to be able to reconfigure/activate it, maybe it's an idea to toggle wifi on off by using a file flag on the sd card, so when a user creates a file on the sd card named 'nowifi'disable it.

lanmarc77 commented 5 years ago

I am not sure if I understood this thread. But I still see the SSID being broadcasted in the current firmware even though I have working ethernet connection and /info also only displays Ethernet as connection type. Inserting the following code in app_wifi.c at line 354 finally stops the broadcast and also saves 0.3W of power:

_activeConfig = CNFG_NONE; _event=EVENT_NONE; return;

Who also wants to disable the built in http server comments line 739 in system_config.h:


hagenbuch commented 5 years ago

Does this mean I have to compile and install the complete firmware for the TTN gateway?

If yes, I'd rather wait until the first scandal shows up where some attacker exploited a company successfully and came in through their open Things Gateway AP /s

lanmarc77 commented 5 years ago

Yes it does mean compiling and installing the firmware yourself. If you do have the .hex file you only would need an SD card to actually update the gateway. Also compiling is not really more than installing the freely availble IDEs linked in the readme of this repository and cloning this repository. As I already did the detective work how to minimally change the code to achieve the given features this can be done in under an hour easily. And also yes you are free to wait until something (might) happen but then I do not see how this helps in any way to add features WE want. I so value the possibility to have an open device, knowing I do not get an SLA but be able to do something with it myself.

KrishnaIyer commented 5 years ago

@lanmarc77: what is the version of your firmware?

lanmarc77 commented 5 years ago

@KrishnaIyer The base of the mentioned modification was v1.0.5 which is the current version of the firmware since July 2018

MartinNPN commented 5 years ago

@lanmarc77 thanks for the easy solution :)

devZer0 commented 1 year ago

sorry, but can you please provide a solution to disable wifi by configuration instead of need for compiling own firmware ? this sucks !