TheThingsProducts / gateway

The Things Kickstarter Gateway
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Gateway losing client connection to AP, defaulting back to Things-Gateway-xxx #33

Closed aderusha closed 6 years ago

aderusha commented 6 years ago

I've deployed a new gateway and configured the device for my local WiFi. This works as expected for a while, then drops connection to WiFi until manually power cycled. I've connected a UART to collect debug logs which show the device assigning itself IP and starting the AP when this happens which is the default behavior when it cannot connect to the assigned AP but otherwise working as expected.

For testing purposes I enabled beta firmware updates, which ran, and which haven't changed the resulting behavior. When I connect to the Things-Gateway-xxx and watch the logs, I can see it directly stating that it's keeping the AP configured due to a client being connected (INET: Not trying to connect to WiFi router again because client is connected (after 120 seconds)). When I disconnect my client from that AP, that message does not appear again, but it still drops off of the assigned SSID and defaults back to acting as an AP (again, without mentioning a client being connected).

I have recorded logs from the original firmware (factory? - I don't see where to collect the firmware details), then showing the upgrade to beta, showing one instance of a client being connected to the AP, and a whole lot of failing to connect to the assigned AP. When you see "", that's the gateway connecting successfully to my internal network.

To recap:

I am working on a city-wide deployment of these devices. This is the first device to be tested and right now we are at a hard stop with this deployment until this issue can be resolved.

aderusha commented 6 years ago

Link to logs:

Sebas- commented 6 years ago

+1 for priority on the WIFI instability.

My gateway is located on a place without LAN, so the WIFI feature is really good.. except that it drops the connection a lot, and then reverts to AP mode. My impression is that it simply does not try to reconnect (or it gives up way to easy).

Currently this problem is solved by the instability of the gateway itself, because when it "automatically" reboots it reconnects to the WIFI (as an additional workaround I also added a WIFI connected 220v relais so I don't have to get to the AP every single time it stays down longer than expected, the WIFI connection in the relais (ESP8266) is very stable :) ).