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TTN Gateway range went from +1km to 10m #44

Closed DutchMcGyver closed 5 years ago

DutchMcGyver commented 6 years ago

Hi, my TTN gateway has been functioning perfectly but seems to have suddenly gone quite deaf… Tested side by side with an IC880A - based gateway (using the same pigtail & antenna) the difference is very noticeable. Messages from the same node are received by the IC880A with RSSI -65, but the TTN gateway reports -118 (!). Anything outside of a 10 - 20 meter radius is not received at all. It seems that the RF module is causing this issue; a reboot did not make any difference.

What firmware is running on your gateway? V1.0.0

What do the logs show? - No errors

Do you think you can try to fix this yourself and submit a pull request? - I can fix this myself if a replacement RF module is available.

If more information is needed please let me know? Thanks, Marc.

KrishnaIyer commented 6 years ago

@DutchMcGyver : Could you confirm the firmware that you're gateway is running? v1.0.0 right.

Also where have you mounted your gateway?

DutchMcGyver commented 6 years ago

Hi, The gateway is still running V1.0.0. I've turned off automatic updates because it is running fine and i want to decide for myself when to run an update. The gateway used to be located on the 3rd floor of my house. Range was over a kilometer at first, but is now limited to in and around the house (even with an external antenna). Both the antenna and the pigtail have been replaced, this does not make any difference. The pigtail and antenna still work perfectly fine when connected to another (IC880A based) gateway. The only thing I cannot do is replace the Microchip RF module because I only have one TTN gateway. I can however bring the gateway to the office in Amsterdam to switch out parts if that would be useful. Regards, Marc.

DutchMcGyver commented 6 years ago

gateway_dutchmcgyver.txt Attached is a copy of the gateway setup (including fw version). Regards, Marc.

DutchMcGyver commented 6 years ago

Hi, is there any news on this please? As mentioned, i'm ok with having to replace the RF module myself, but i am unable to source this part...

KrishnaIyer commented 6 years ago

@martinichka : Seems like a hardware issue. Can you check what could be the issue here?

DutchMcGyver commented 6 years ago

Hi, do you have an update for me please? We are currently rolling out TTN in our region and will need every gateway we can get... Thanks, Marc.

DutchMcGyver commented 6 years ago

Any updates please? We're more than willing to run some experiments but we will need information on where to get a replacement RF module as it is not listed on the Microchip website.

DutchMcGyver commented 6 years ago

This issue has now been open for over a month, and not a single reaction. This is bad service, and I think I'm not the only one feeling this way. Again, I'm quite willing to take some action myself, but the least I can expect is some form of communication? I've spent some 300 Euros on a device that does not work.

Sypheos commented 6 years ago

@DutchMcGyver Be reminded that we do not provide support old firmware version.

You can try to extract logs from by connecting to the serial interface as instructed here.

DutchMcGyver commented 6 years ago

@Sypheos The firmware version has nothing to do with this as far as i can tell. The gateway was functioning perfectly, and it still is. The range has dropped dramatically from one day to the other (while on the same firmware version). I do not have a UART interface so I cannot get debug info right now. However, I have now enabled automatic updates so it can pick up the latest firmware. If you really need debug info please let me know and I will order a UART.

mellbratt commented 6 years ago

(Following this as I have the same issue..)

DutchMcGyver commented 5 years ago

Firmware is now on v1.0.5-fa89b993. As expected, this does not change the range or fix the issue. Is there anyone in this team with hardware knowledge; someone who can help out with this range issue? I am not asking for the impossible I think. Even an address where to source / order a replacement RF module will be fine.

Sypheos commented 5 years ago

You will several information about the gateway hardware. The modules can be bought from the standard hardware re-seller(Farnel, Microchip,...).

There are constant update on the firmware and don't forget to check the forum.

DutchMcGyver commented 5 years ago

@Sypheos I wish it were that simple Sylvain. The LG8271 isn't listed at Farnell, Microchip or Microchip Direct. If it was, I would've ordered one a long time ago. Are there any other sources that you know of that I can try? Edit: Inquiries at tech departments from Farnell and Microchip Direct have also lead to no results. They cannot even find the partnumber, let alone supply it.

ketilmo commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm having the exact same issues as described by @DutchMcGyver in this thread. Assuming this is a hardware issue, is it possible to get replacement LG8271 boards now?

Kind regards, Ketil

DutchMcGyver commented 5 years ago

@ketilmo : Just received this answer directly from Microchip:

"Please be informed that my colleagues from the business unit in charge for the part number LG8271-I/RM104 told me that this part is End of Life and at the moment there is no replacement part for it."

So essentially, your TTN gateway is now a brick, although in my case it was three months old when the issue occurred. The TTN guys have been absolutely NO help in resolving this issue either. Please think twice before buying anything from TTN again.

ketilmo commented 5 years ago

@DutchMcGyver Thanks for letting me know. That's bad news. :(

danielkucera commented 4 years ago

@DutchMcGyver I'd buy the broken gateway from you if you still have it...

mellbratt commented 4 years ago

@danielkucera – I have one with the same symptoms too, for sale, located in Sweden