TheThingsProducts / gateway

The Things Kickstarter Gateway
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Move TTN Kickstarter LORA Gateway to V3 network #72

Open lexwils opened 2 years ago

lexwils commented 2 years ago

This is a question for help.

I have an issue connecting my TTN Kickstarter Gateway to the Thingsnetwork V3 stack. The gateway has been working for the past years without any issue, however I seem not to be able to get it connected to the V3 stack.

I have looked for the instructions ,here and and more.

I have set up the gateway in the TTN console image

And created the key: image

On the gate way the 3rd led is and stay's blinking (waited more than 1 hour)slow e.g meaning : 3 - Configuration | Slow | Activating

When logging in to the gateway using: http://things-gateway.local/info I get the following information.


Can anyone tel me what I's doing wrong? would be good the have the gateway up and running for a couple of more years.

BNNorman commented 2 years ago

It does work. (assuming hdw is ok)

My Kickstarter is connected to V3 and behaving itself. It was a real faff getting there. First off I had the @ttn tennant on the gateway name/id and it would not activate until I removed the @ttn from it. This is in the ttn docs but not easily spotted. If you have a commercial gateway then a tennant is required, I think..

Here's my screen shot - notice the configuration - which is at odds with yours (no region). Yours also says the gateway card is not detected. Have you tried a power off, wait 10s, power back on?

So you may want to take a step back and try again. My gateway is hardwired even though I have WiFi. I noticed that the gateway was frequently going through connect/activate when only using WiFi.

Anyway, that's about all I can say to help.
