TheThirdOne / rars

RARS -- RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator
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Modern GUI #175

Closed MatMasIt closed 9 months ago

MatMasIt commented 1 year ago

There are some things in my version, like default 64bit, the intellij project and my name in the acknowledgments section, that may surely be removed, but RARS could use an UI refresh.

MatMasIt commented 1 year ago

I add that my commit history is terrible for my familiarity with git is lacking at times.

TheThirdOne commented 9 months ago

My philosophy on development is that change for the sake of change is a bad thing. In this case, there are likely to be at least a few people who prefer the current look and feel of RARS. Additionally, even if you eventually prefer it, any change you weren't expecting as a user is jarring.

With that in mind, I try to only make changes that either have almost no downside or are clearly superior to the status quo. It is possible that flatlaf fixes some of the longstanding UI issues that have been reported, but it seems that flatlaf and this PR in particular are more about style than fixing issues.

From just the screenshots, the implementation of dark mode does not seem ideal. The register table is very clearly still in lightmode and the syntax highlighting is not very readable. In particular the labels in black seems like a poor choice. I am aware that dark mode is a highly desired feature; however, it is not an easy thing to get right.