TheTimeSweeper / EnforcerMod

Where The Boys work on Enforcer
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Shield Feedback #16

Closed gabe-over closed 2 years ago

gabe-over commented 2 years ago

Not an issue, but I really don't know where to drop this and for some reason, I believe you would appreciate this... I love Enforcer! Been my biggest love in RoR1 and you did amazing work with implementation and alternative skills! One thing I have gripe is the shield - its too good xD With mouse aiming it makes deflecting all kinds of damage super easy. Been thinking on ideas on how to fix that so I would non just complain so here it is. "Heat gauge" - shield has a capacity of how many hits/damage it can absorb, and when that threshold breaks, the shield gets dropped and can't be used until "heat gauge" goes to zero. Your model has a light on the shoulder that could be displaying "heat level" from green to red and flash when cooling down. That mechanic IF possible gave me the idea for a secondary skill - shielding does not increase attack speed on 0 heat - but on 99% of the heat bonus is twice as big over the basic shield.

TheTimeSweeper commented 2 years ago

solid, thanks thanks, check out the discord linked in the readme, we're very lonely c: Nerfing/Limiting shield was a topic of debate from the absolute beginning chats of us making the guy. Some of us felt it needed some of us heavily against it. What you'll find is that in this game, defense is underrated, and long story short, shield basically needs to be that good. That said, mouse aiming is a point we'd agree with. Of course, slowing mouse aiming would feel like absolute garbage to play, however, only slowing down the shield rotating is something we've wanted to do for a while. It's been a matter of priorities and the workload it would take that it hasn't gone in. Heat guage is an interesting way to go about it. One of the proposed nerfs that we all hated was, as many people have suggested, the shield breaking after a while. While I'm pretty positive I'll never do this with the shield, a proposed Energy Shield (that's been on the cards since forever just never implemented) alt skill would be a good opportunity to explore that. I also like the idea of the shoulder lights naturally showing the heat. We'll probably have a bar or something anyways, but in-game indicators that go past ui are always awesome (take my adrenaline flames on miner, that change intensity with how much adrenaline, and change color with how long until adrenaline lasts). Also having the heat be related to your attack speed change is an interesting alternative as well. Another thing about energy shield is what do we do with primaries so that they're not so similar that one will always be chosen over the other. Tying it to the shield itself is an interesting way to go about it, I'll keep that in mind. To conclude the point about shield being too good, what I've always wanted to avoid was forcing the player out of it. The nuance of balancing the shield is simply making it hard to stay in it indefinitely. With the harsh movement penalty, even if attack power and defense is improved, there's going to be a point where you're overrun and have to reposition. That in itself, if done correctly, should balance the concept of the shield, no extra conceptual mechanic needed. The player should never be forced out of shield, we should make the player choose to leave the shield themselves. Thanks for the love and enthusiasm, check the discord if you like, sorry this got so long 👍