TheTimeWalker / wallpanel-android

WallPanel is an Android application for Web Based Dashboards and Home Automation Platforms
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE] : HTTP/REST command to stop camera streaming (only streaming) #68

Open vdelab opened 1 year ago

vdelab commented 1 year ago


I wonder if it would be possible to have a command that turns on or off the streaming of the camera, acting just on that, and not cutting the whole camera off. The current command "camera:off" turn everything off, including motion detection that I would like to keep. My need would be to stop just the streaming when I am at home.


thomke67 commented 3 months ago


I am using Wallpanel in ioBroker. When I try to set the camera off via the objects, nothing happens. The camera still sends the stream. I just want to switch off camera streaming. I do not want to switch off motion detection. It is all about saving traffic when I am at home!

Regards, Thomas grafik

Maybe this failure is related to the issue? grafik