Avoid updating lightmap
Avoid calculating cloud and sky colors
Don't do F3 calculations if we're not in the F3 menu
Don't do unnecessary FOV calculations if we don't need to
Replace removeIf call in ToastManager
(OPTIONAL) Give some extra information about the mod.
What is your mod's name?
What is your mod's main version?
1.20.X (Fabric)
What is your mod's other versions?
1.19.X (Forge), 1.19.X (Fabric)
What is your mod's type?
What side dose your mod need to run on?
Input a link to your suggested mod.
What is your reasoning for including this mod?
Avoid updating lightmap Avoid calculating cloud and sky colors Don't do F3 calculations if we're not in the F3 menu Don't do unnecessary FOV calculations if we don't need to Replace removeIf call in ToastManager
(OPTIONAL) Give some extra information about the mod.
No response