TheWaWaR / simple-http-server

Simple http server in Rust (Windows/Mac/Linux)
MIT License
2.53k stars 170 forks source link

When I exit the vps, the page cannot be opened and an error 500 is displayed, but the process still exists. #99

Open freett opened 7 months ago

freett commented 7 months ago

cli: ./x86_64-unknown-linux-musl-simple-http-server -p 8383 --coep --coop --nocache& [1] 200471 [pascal@E5 simple-http-server]$ Index: disabled, Cache: disabled, Cors: disabled, Coop: enabled, Coep: enabled, Range: enabled, Sort: enabled, Threads: 3 Upload: disabled, CSRF Token: Auth: disabled, Compression: disabled https: disabled, Cert: , Cert-Password: Root: /home/pascal/simple-http-server, TryFile404: Address: ======== [2023-12-04 11:50:19] ========

when i exit vps, it's show: HTTP ERROR 500