TheWaterBugCompany / WALTA

Waterbug ALT App - Identify freshwater bug species and contribute to ecosystem health monitoring
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Add Mayfly emergence map #4

Open TheCodeSharman opened 4 years ago

TheCodeSharman commented 4 years ago

As a Mayfly Muster user I want to be able to open a map view which shows a coloured dot for each of the following families:

Siphlonuridae QE01 Baetidae QE02 Oniscigastridae QE03 Ameletopsidae QE04 Coloburiscidae QE05 Leptophlebiidae QE06 Caenidae QE08 Prosopistomatidae QE09

Example mockup of emergence data:

| J |  F |  M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
|                   <------------------->         |

Given: I'm at the Emergence Map screen When: I select the open the legend Icon Then: A legend displaying the family name along with emergenace months is displayed When: I select a family Then: The taxon screen is opened And: The emergence data is displayed along with the rest of the taxon details

TheCodeSharman commented 4 years ago

@flatworm You'll need to add the folowing field to each of the taxon nodes the file: emergence: { "startDate": "dd/MMM", "endDate": "dd/MMM" }

TheCodeSharman commented 3 years ago

We decided to postpone the completion of this: the current state meets the hydro contract requirements - and until we have more data about emergence this isn't high priotity.