A this point there is no way to continue with a fresh survey unless the editted record is submitted.
Given user is editing a record
When they leave the edit "wizard"
And there have been changes made
Then open a dialogue the says "There are unsaved changes; Discard or Submit"
When Discard is selected
Then the temporary record is deleted.
When Submit is selected
Then the usual submit logic is called.
When they leave edit "wizard"
And there are no changes
Then discard the temprorary record.
A this point there is no way to continue with a fresh survey unless the editted record is submitted.
Given user is editing a record When they leave the edit "wizard" And there have been changes made Then open a dialogue the says "There are unsaved changes; Discard or Submit"
When Discard is selected Then the temporary record is deleted.
When Submit is selected Then the usual submit logic is called.
When they leave edit "wizard" And there are no changes Then discard the temprorary record.