Reason Marked: Documentation
Status: Fixed Beta8a
Any obfuscated crashes since after the second 1.7.10 beta release beta8a have been non existent. If you happen to get a crash it isn't installed properly since the second beta release. I even reconfirmed that having to reset the appdata from running pml without seasons or improper use to get an obfuscated crash that when again installed properly it didn't crash. prior to beta8a you had to reset your entire appdata even if you installed it correctly that time after the first time of incorrectly installing it because, if you didn't you even uninstalling pml/seasons completely and reinstalling it it would still crash. This is a documentation on any and all obfuscated crashes that have happened in the past.
Reason Marked: Documentation Status: Fixed Beta8a Link: Any obfuscated crashes since after the second 1.7.10 beta release beta8a have been non existent. If you happen to get a crash it isn't installed properly since the second beta release. I even reconfirmed that having to reset the appdata from running pml without seasons or improper use to get an obfuscated crash that when again installed properly it didn't crash. prior to beta8a you had to reset your entire appdata even if you installed it correctly that time after the first time of incorrectly installing it because, if you didn't you even uninstalling pml/seasons completely and reinstalling it it would still crash. This is a documentation on any and all obfuscated crashes that have happened in the past.