The Default seasons textures for tropical biomes such as the jungle doesn't change the oak leaves , grass,grass blocks, plants and foliage to brown it changes them to orange can you please fix this. The jungle only has two seasons dry season and wet season. I guess for now a temporary fix for this issue would be making the leaves/plants/foliage brown that are not jungle leaves. maby even jungle leaves have a chance to be dying .
Version:beta8c4,beta9 Priority: Images:
The Default seasons textures for tropical biomes such as the jungle doesn't change the oak leaves , grass,grass blocks, plants and foliage to brown it changes them to orange can you please fix this. The jungle only has two seasons dry season and wet season. I guess for now a temporary fix for this issue would be making the leaves/plants/foliage brown that are not jungle leaves. maby even jungle leaves have a chance to be dying .