TheWeatherPony / TheSeasonsMod

A repository for tracking issues in The Seasons Mod
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Request: Snow conforms to blocks it falls on #86

Open HentaiHamster opened 8 years ago

HentaiHamster commented 8 years ago

HEllo, I was wondering if snow stacking on top of stairs and slabs is caused by this mod.

Also if it is, will there be a future planned for snow to stack on top of stairs like carpet does, where it forms to the shape of the stairs rather than look like this. 2016-02-06_12 27 52

TheWeatherPony commented 8 years ago

Snow stacking on top of stairs and slabs is indeed caused by this mod, and is an incomplete feature as you show (the snow sits in mid air, which will be changed in a future version). The snow landing on stairs, half-slabs, and other blocks can be disabled by changing the worldly configuration (NBT format)..

jredfox commented 8 years ago

by conforming do you mean like real life snow? like the snow is the shape of the object it falls on? this would be hard to code and would require an override or an additional block to create this. because, if you just create the visual affect the block is still blocking it the model will not react the same as the image. of course a simple fix would be just to do a virtual image but, the model and place of the player might seem a bit off then; which is why that wouldn't be my first rought on going about this however it is the simplest. you might just have to add the width of each tile to the model of the block and get it's shape for eitehr the visual , or actual model.

jredfox commented 7 years ago

"The snow landing on stairs, half-slabs, and other blocks can be disabled by changing the worldly configuration (NBT format).."

world configuration nbt format is a bit of a pain if you are planning on playing multiple worlds and wanted a general configuration file for all world's to start the nbt tags during world creation in the first place. Suggestion to please fix this in a configuration update. Doesn't even have to be forge's .cfg it can be your own text file