TheWeatherPony / TheSeasonsMod

A repository for tracking issues in The Seasons Mod
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Shows Snowing Animations Regardless of Temperature During Winter #92

Open jredfox opened 8 years ago

jredfox commented 8 years ago

Version: beta12e Video: NBT: Log; biome.json: I modified the forest biome to be 99% temperature and it still showed the snowing animation. It didn't place any snow blocks however it did show the animation. All of the nbt tags are default.

TheWeatherPony commented 8 years ago

Would you please include the text file itself for the biome temperatures (the entire file, as it exists when opening it after closing the game - pastebin it)? Additionally, does this still happen in pre-3.0 beta12e?

jredfox commented 8 years ago

Hold on I never knew you had an update. Yes I will give you the .json through pastebin.

jredfox commented 8 years ago

Still occurs I edited the forest biome during winter

jredfox commented 8 years ago

I meant to say it still occurred in the current version. I reread your readme on github. were you ignoring this because, it's fixed or you thought it was a different version? I don't see an efficient working environment that you don't respond to.

TheWeatherPony commented 8 years ago

Limited manpower - I generally still read, but reply when I need to. My focus is mostly on finishing the new code for pre-3.0beta13 (MC 1.8.9), for right now.

VirtualGaming1 commented 7 years ago

what other mods do you have on?

jredfox commented 7 years ago

none besides the required. pml , seasons, forge pmldev

jredfox commented 7 years ago

so @TheWeatherPony this issue is still here from the latest version. Are you going to fix this?

VirtualGaming1 commented 7 years ago

He might be already working on. So you have to be patient. (Don't Know if I spell that right)

jredfox commented 7 years ago

@VirtualGaming1 I posted this a couple months ago so I wanted to remind him to fix this.

jredfox commented 7 years ago

@TheWeatherPony This seems like a simple render error that could come from several factors. A the actual temperture isn't being modified in vanilla, B it's a render error with the frosty grass and snow, C Something isn't sinking or something strange is happening.

All I did here was change the forest temp to 99% during winter and it still displayed snow in a used and brand new world.

As for "the limited man power" I know what your talking about. Just do a couple issues here a day for the smaller issues. Then work on the bigger issues one per week? I could help verify if the issues are completed I have my own projects to deal with now. I have literally 76 things to deal (silk spawners) with and most of them are bugs.