TheWebTech / CrankShaft

A framework for building modern websites on the HubSpot Platform.
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Upvote idea: Make Drag n Drop Templates show as json via FTP #42

Open TheWebTech opened 5 years ago

TheWebTech commented 5 years ago

We want HubSpot to support editing/creating drag n drop templates via code. (yes I realize that sounds contradictory, but without it there's no way to put drag n drop templates in our framework, and ideally we want to support both coded and drag n drop.

Please upvote the idea on the idea forum and the slack channel to show HubSpot we want this!

All linked assets, the placement of modules, etc.

This is the same idea as how Custom Module meta and fields data works.

If it's too complex to have as 1 json file it would be fine to have a `.template` folder similar to how `.module` works.

The advantage being developers can then do the following things:

include DnD templates in version controlled repositories like GitHub. (this is something we want to do with
These templates will finally be editable locally or atleast over FTP.
This would enable developers to more easily programmatically update these templates.

Idea Forum:

In Slack: