TheWebTech / CrankShaft

A framework for building modern websites on the HubSpot Platform.
MIT License
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Move Markdown file documentation out of /crankshaft itself and maybe add to file structure docs #81

Open TheWebTech opened 5 years ago

TheWebTech commented 5 years ago

Move all markdown files out of /crankshaft itself, and move the contents into file structure documentation on docs site.

The reason for this change is while the MD files are helpful for us during build out of the framework itself, I think they will make it harder for developers who want to use the framework to just plug and play. Since MD is not supported by HS users will get FTP errors if they just try to upload via ftp. Besides the files are for documentation purpose only, and are not used for actually making a site work.

The contents of the files are still useful though and I think would be perfect for adding to the documentation website.