TheWeirdDev / Bluetooth_Headset_Battery_Level

A python script to get battery level from Bluetooth headsets
GNU General Public License v3.0
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White LED when powered up is gone now #62

Closed solsticedhiver closed 2 years ago

solsticedhiver commented 2 years ago

Well, this is more a support issue but I don't know where to ask.

I had to disconnect my JBL bluetooth earbuds to get battery level like said in issue #58

But now, when the device is powered up but not connected the white LED is gone. You can see it flashing very dimly, when the device is disconnected but it is off after that.

The white LED is laso off (not visible) when you power up the device after that.

How can I get it back on when the deivce is powered up but not connected.

The LED is blue when connected.

Moreover, now, when you power it up, it automatically connect to the last bluetooth device it was connected to, instead of waiting a connection, whit the white LED on.

solsticedhiver commented 2 years ago

OK. so it's back. I mean the white LED when opwered but not connected; I guess it comes back after a moment when powered off.