TheWeirdDev / somafm-radio-gnome-ext

SomaFm internet radio gnome extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
24 stars 20 forks source link

--- Error --- #7

Closed btbroot closed 6 years ago

btbroot commented 6 years ago

Installed from For any channel, after swirling "Loading", quickly shows "--- Error ---".

What data to provide?

TheWeirdDev commented 6 years ago

SomaFM has changed the streaming URLs. run this command to update them:

sed -i 's/ice2/ice3/' ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/

then restart your gnome-shell using Alt+F2 and r command.

or you can clone the repo with new changes and follow the instructions to install the extension.

btbroot commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion!

Does it mean, that you basically abandon this extension?

TheWeirdDev commented 6 years ago

I'll try my best to support the extension and fix issues like this one, but i probably won't update it on the gnome extensions website and i won't add any new features (unless the number of demands goes high).

btbroot commented 6 years ago

Now I realised that it's fixed in the code already.

Could you elaborate why you don't plan to update anymore? That would be a pity

TheWeirdDev commented 6 years ago

They take a lot of time to review and accept the update, it's kind of a bummer.

Honestly i thought this extension would have more users than it already has, the links where broken for a while and nobody but you noticed.

Anyway, i can send the update to the website if you like, that's no problem. ✌️