TheWidlarzGroup / react-native-video

A <Video /> component for react-native
MIT License
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How to show video player just like facebook (with play/pause, duration, bar with touchable skipping video) #353

Closed prashen closed 2 years ago

prashen commented 7 years ago

It's working and I can play and pause video. But how to showing progress bar. Showing duration and a play/pause button and user can tap on specific progress bar area. Just like facebook video player shows. I am using windows os and making app for android. And please tell me, Is it possible in react native to show a video just like facebook did?

giving example of react native app Just like discoveryVr app using it's video player. Can we show video play/pause button and use progress bar with drag feature with you plugin.


ronak301 commented 7 years ago

see example

pedramsaleh commented 7 years ago

The example doesn't seem to have seeking controls. It just allows play/pause, rate, shows duration and stuff like that. Is there a way to seek in the video?

prashen commented 7 years ago

@pedramsaleh I am using this: and able to get like this as they are showing. Seeking is not happening and sometimes seeker bar is also not showing correct. The main problem I am not getting the thumbnail and play button position as it was before playing when video ends. onEnd callback function is also not working. I have posted it also

pedramsaleh commented 7 years ago

@prashen Are you using the seek() method to implement seeking? It looks like you're just using it to go back to the beginning at the end of the video.

prashen commented 7 years ago

I am using:

<VideoPlayer thumbnail={{ uri: this.state.thumbnailUrl }} video={{ uri: this.state.videoUrl }} videoWidth={} videoHeight={} duration={} />

I am using their example folder and run it. If i need to use seek method then how can you tell me? And they are using seek in the node_module/react-native-video-player/index.js inside onEnd function:

onEnd() {; if (!this.props.loop) { this.setState({ isPlaying: false, }); } }

pedramsaleh commented 7 years ago

I haven't had a chance to implement it myself yet, but it seems fairly straightforward. According to the readme, use it like this:


and it will go to the number of seconds the parameter indicates. So will go to 10 seconds in.

SHRoberts91 commented 7 years ago

Hey @prashen, I'm not sure about those libraries, but to get seek working with react-native-video you have to create a ref on the <Video> component and then you can access the seek function. for example: <Video ref={videoRef => this.videoRef=videoRef onEnd={() => {; if (!this.props.loop) {this.setState({isPlaying: false});}} **any other props you need** />

prashen commented 7 years ago

@SHRoberts91 Yes inside this plugin react-native-video onEnd method working but not properly. I mean to say, I want to do something after video ends but here it is firing each time when video get buffering. I have used a function inside onEnd={()=>{alert('fired')}} like this. That's why I moved to react-native-video-player. What I have done yet using react-native-video-player: 1- play/pause icon done 2- seek bar showing (it's not functional, you can't move seek.. it's ok for me. :) ) 3- onEnd method not working (how to implement?)

If anyone help it will be great :). Here is the exact issue:

I am posting these issues inside react-native-video because these two plugins are complementing each other and helpful.

pedramsaleh commented 7 years ago

This is what I did to get seeking working. The progress indicator/seek control is below. You can get the style info from the component's example code.

<View style={styles.controls}>
        <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={(evt) => this._handleSeek(evt)} >
          <View style={styles.progress}>
            <View style={[styles.innerProgressCompleted, {flex: flexCompleted}]} />
            <View style={[styles.innerProgressRemaining, {flex: flexRemaining}]} />

When pressing, it does the following. The code assumes a full screen player.

_handleSeek(event) {
  const screenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width;
  const percent = event.nativeEvent.pageX / screenWidth; * percent)) 

And you need to add a ref on the video player component

    {other props}
vvavepacket commented 7 years ago

@pedramsaleh any idea if seeking will work on remote video url?

pedramsaleh commented 7 years ago

Not sure. I've only used this for playing local content so I didn't look into how it works for streaming.

vvavepacket commented 7 years ago

@pedramsaleh i confirm the seek works also in stream. :) awesome thanks for your code... anyway, do you have any idea to hide that progress bar when video is playing,, and make it only visible when screen is touch?

ghost commented 6 years ago

@vvavepacket you can use

Msspl-PrashenjeetRoy commented 6 years ago

@sabaparsa Nice plugin, but I think it does not support more than rn 0.45

AliZeynalov commented 6 years ago

@prashen man did you find a way to create progress bar? I'm living the same issue. I need progress bar. I tried react-native-video-controls. But it's progress bar is not stable on devices.

Rupali97 commented 3 years ago

@AliZeynalov did you find any solution.. facing the issue with progress bar..