TheZ3ro / apk2java-linux

Decompile apk and get java or smali source
84 stars 31 forks source link

Check command line please... #1

Closed ctrlbru closed 9 years ago

ctrlbru commented 9 years ago

Try ./apk2java --help to have your current folder nuked........ luckily it was the apk2java folder (it was able to complete delete itself from the hdd).

Console output follows

dario@ivymint /opt/apk2java $ ./apk2java --help [ E ] Select a valid .apk file!

apk2java Linux - Author: Davide 'TheZero' Silvetti Usage: ./apk2java [smali] .apk Write 'smali' for disassemble .dex source code

\ Convert 'apk' to 'jar' **

dex2jar /opt/apk2java/ -> -dex2jar.jar File '/opt/apk2java' exists but is a directory at at at com.googlecode.dex2jar.reader.DexFileReader.( at at at

\ Remove if any 'src' folder exists **

\ Create 'src' and 'class' folders **

\ Expand, delete the 'jar' file **

ls: impossibile accedere a /opt/apk2java/*.jar: File o directory non esistente

\ Decompiling class files **

\ Delete .class files and 'class' folder **

\ Extract, fix resource files **

Input file (/opt/apk2java/) was not found or was not readable.

\ Create the Eclipse Project **

rm: impossibile rimuovere "/opt/apk2java/": Permesso negato unzip: cannot find or open /opt/apk2java/tool/, /opt/apk2java/tool/ or /opt/apk2java/tool/ cp: impossibile eseguire stat di "./src": File o directory non esistente ./apk2java: riga 176: cd: ./other: File o directory non esistente cp: "./" e "/opt/apk2java/." sono lo stesso file cat: /opt/apk2java//AndroidManifest.xml: File o directory non esistente sed: impossibile leggere /opt/apk2java//.project: File o directory non esistente

\ Clean temp folder **

rm: impossibile rimuovere "./src": File o directory non esistente rm: impossibile rimuovere "./other": File o directory non esistente

\ Process complete **

TheZ3ro commented 9 years ago

I will check, and I will also update the Decompiler, 'cause Jad is obsolete. It will take some time because I'm busy ;)

TheZ3ro commented 9 years ago

Code rewrited in python. External tool updated. :)