Thecode764 / ntn

⚡️Generate new features for npm
MIT License
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Join Developer Team #6

Open Thecode764 opened 1 month ago

Thecode764 commented 1 month ago

Hi everyone.

Welcome to ntn project. a fork of npm with new features for you ❤️.

I am Artin Karimi developer of ntn. so do you like to join ntn dev team?

If answer is yes so answer to questions

1: What's you langauge (English or persian)

So please select you language only english or persian (i know a lot persian)

2: What's programming languages you are know?

What you are know? Python, HTML, Css, JS, React

3: Windows developer or Linux developer

Are you a windows developer (batch) or a linux developer(.sh)

I need a windows programmer


The end

Submit the form! When i checked your request i add you to contributors list

Thecode764 commented 1 month ago

And i reply to my post I add you to contribers list (contributors badge) and when you opened a pull request i add you to contributors image

Thecode764 commented 1 month ago

I writing a section for join developer team! Documation: