Thefrank / jellyfin-server-freebsd

jellyfin-server component for freebsd
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Updated Jellyfin through True Nas, now it won't start. #52

Closed Lbcowman closed 1 year ago

Lbcowman commented 1 year ago

I used True NAS Core to update the plugin for Jellyfin, but now I can't access the web page. I have tried both through my local network and through my proxy manager and neither work. Everything was working fine before. True NAS says it is up and running through the plugins and jails page and I can interact with the jail through the shell but the web page will not load. All of my other jails are running just fine as normal. I have attempted to fix the issue by updating again, restarting the jail, restarting the server but nothing has worked so far. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Thefrank commented 1 year ago

From inside the jail:

Lbcowman commented 1 year ago
  • does ps aux show it running? (there should be two processes: the daemon and the actual process)


  • does netstat show it connected?


  • does sockstat show it opening/listening on ports?


Man! I have no clue how to interpret this! However, these screenshots should help.


Thefrank commented 1 year ago

It is not running. jellyfin would show up on process list. You can try and manually start the service service jellyfin start

Lbcowman commented 1 year ago

It doesn't seem to work, and I also can't find the file it seems to be looking for.



Thefrank commented 1 year ago

I guess the next question... is it even installed? pkg info jellyfin should return info about it or a pkg: No package(s) matching error if not

Lbcowman commented 1 year ago

Wow.... I got a no package error. I guess updating uninstalled it somehow. I guess I'll download a new version and then copy and replace all the files left? Unless you can think of a better option.

Thanks for all this help btw

Thefrank commented 1 year ago

pkg install jellyfin should work :)

Lbcowman commented 1 year ago

pkg install jellyfin should work :)

After running this, and a restart everything is working perfectly!!!

Do you or does this project have any way I can donate?

Thefrank commented 1 year ago

Glad everything is up and running now!

I currently don't accept financial donations but...

and as always, contributions of code are welcome across all open source projects :)

Kanzuke117 commented 1 year ago

I think I had the same issue, used TrueNAS Core to update jellyfin and its jail, jail goes up but no response for the web page. Stumble my way to the log files and find the process SIGTERM'd after a stream of FileNotFoundExceptions for System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters and System.IO.Pipelines. Luck out on finding this issue that lines up, and follow the steps. No jellyfin processes running in ps aux or sockstat, and no startup script found when attempting to enable and start the service.

I run pkg install jellyfin and surprise, 72 packages to install. Part of that process included making a new user and group jellyfin instead of the jellyfinserver that was in use previously, and I suspected that the reason for why even though the service started and web-page went up, I get a server selector with one option that doesn't connect. So I find the install guide and sysrc back to jellyfinserver for user and group, service jellyfin start now just gives me WARNING: failed to start jellyfin. Nothing new written to the logs in /var/db/jellyfin/log or /jellyfinserver/log. I try reinstalling with pkg remove and pkg install, delete the recreated user and group, no change. I double check rc.conf, and try editing the rc.d jellyfin script to manually specify the user, group, data and cache directories, no change.

I've hesitated on trying to just reinstall the jail from scratch because I don't know where all the media metadata lives other than vaguely /var/db. Any advice on how to un-foobar my install or otherwise salvage what I can would be greatly appreciated

Thefrank commented 1 year ago

@Kanzuke117 When jellyfin landed in the ports tree, it was given a user and group. These are different the ones I randomly assigned when I was packaging it myself. The UID/GID (User/Group ID) numbers will be different because of this. This ALSO changed the default names for: the db, the process id and the cache path

Try this:

Kanzuke117 commented 1 year ago

I ended up just restoring from snapshot and updating manually following the steps I found here (though I don't know why they chose to cp instead of mv, the db folder is pretty heavy). Everything seems to be running smoothly now, and notably pkg install jellyfin only needed to add or replace about three packages instead of 72, so I have no idea what the automatic plugin update did. At least this was a learning experience