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Lua error while raid activity (after some mates leaving?), Lua Error line 612 repeatly #68

Closed KaspOu closed 2 months ago

KaspOu commented 2 months ago

Lua Error line 612, happened outdoor while raid activity (Zaqali, Superbloom). Happened at the end, when people were leaving raid (don't know if it was on each leave, or if it was periodically after on special event..)

23x Keystone-Companion/ui/main.lua:612: Usage: local className, classFilename, classID = UnitClass(unit) [string "=[C]"]: in function UnitClass' [string "@Keystone-Companion/ui/main.lua"]:612: in functionRerenderPlayerRow' [string "@Keystone-Companion/ui/main.lua"]:691: in function `Rerender' [string "@Keystone-Companion/main.lua"]:101: in function <Keystone-Companion/main.lua:49>

Locals: (*temporary) = nil

Larsj02 commented 2 months ago

This one is already fixed in the next Release :)