The CPU and GPU usage are never going above 70% according to intel-gpu-top and htop, using the performance governor and maximum gpu frequency. However, there's constant audio crackling and skipping. Changing the audio latency to 512ms doesn't fix the issue. Tested under X and KMS with the same results.
Maybe it's a sync issue? Using GLideN64 as the RDP Plugin immediately fixes the problem, even with 1ms audio latency. Game tested was "Quake II (USA)" with the expansion pak enabled.
RetroArch 1.10.3 (Linux) GPU Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2) Core Mupen64Plus-Next (2.4-Vulkan c10546e), with the options:
Drivers GPU: vulkan Audio Driver: pulseaudio
Core Options RDP Plugin: ParaLLEl-RDP CPU Core: Dynarec RSP Plugin: ParaLLEl
The CPU and GPU usage are never going above 70% according to intel-gpu-top and htop, using the performance governor and maximum gpu frequency. However, there's constant audio crackling and skipping. Changing the audio latency to 512ms doesn't fix the issue. Tested under X and KMS with the same results.
Maybe it's a sync issue? Using GLideN64 as the RDP Plugin immediately fixes the problem, even with 1ms audio latency. Game tested was "Quake II (USA)" with the expansion pak enabled.