ThemeFuse / Unyson

A WordPress framework that facilitates the development of WP themes
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Multilanguage Plugin #1014

Closed Domes75 closed 8 years ago

Domes75 commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I am having many problems with a Wordpress page: Is one page template made with Unyson framework and I need to translate the page in 5 languages. Now, q-translate, BWS and so on....none is working; it is like that the"box" from Unyson, are like layers going above or below the language settings: it keeps only one language. The Dev is bouncing me to the plugin dev and the plugin dev to the theme, at the end, I am without translation. Does somebody can help please? Thank you in advance!


Domes75 commented 8 years ago


is anyone in there?

llemurya commented 8 years ago

@Domes75 our Page Builder is not compatible with qTranslate, If you want to translate pages, you can use WPML.

albertso commented 8 years ago

You should be able to use standard [:] <!--: --> qtranslate shortcodes in any text as long as the output is filtered for shortcodes. Try it with the Text Block:

[:en]English Text[:de]Deutsch[:]


<!--:en-->English Text<!--:--><!--:de-->Deutsch<!--:-->

In frontend, only text for the current language should be displayed.

In admin, dynamic language switching is not possible for shortcode options, but it's not that bad. You will have to get used to seeing all translations on the same textarea, you will have to scroll a bit, but you have the advantadge you can translate parts selectively. Notice the closing [:], which allows you to "close" the current language, and continue adding text (or images) for all languages.

Are you using, qtranslate-x? It's the most updated version, the original plugin ceased development. Look here

Domes75 commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

thank you for your help. In that time I've moved to xili-translate and seems..seems fine; just needing some help for the menu and the front page. The other pages, I can get translated but they are not linked to the front page.. Hope xili support can help. Alberto: I am newbie, I may understand what you mean, but I am a kind that need videos to understand, sorry! :)