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PageBuilder will not load on Blog Page with Lifeguide Theme #3556

Open estreitta opened 6 years ago

estreitta commented 6 years ago

I have also contacted the theme author to see if they can help me as I still have support available.

I have WP Lifeguide Theme that I purchased on Themeforest. I am having a heck of a time trying to get the Pagebuilder extension to work. I have tried the following which have not fixed it:

1) I completely deleted the theme and all plugins and demo data and reinstalled everything.

2) I have tried to install the several different extension plugins on the git hub site and I get the following error: Installing Plugin from uploaded file: Unpacking the package… Installing the plugin… The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found. Plugin installation failed.

3) I have tried to install the plugin however when I activate it nothing happens

4) I tried to edit the function.php with the following code but nothing changed:

if ( isset($_GET['run_my_script']) && ! get_option('my_script_complete') ) { add_action('init', 'my_script_function', 10); add_action('init', 'script_finished', 20); }

function my_script_function() { update_option( 'fw_active_extensions', json_decode( '{"blog":[],"update":[],"github-update":[],"shortcodes":[],"page-builder":[],"editor-shortcodes":[],"builder":[],"forms":[],"contact-forms":[],"mailer":[],"wp-shortcodes":[],"sidebars":[],"media":[],"slider":[],"owl-carousel":[],"bx-slider":[],"nivo-slider":[],"population-method":[],"population-method-categories":[],"population-method-custom":[],"population-method-tags":[],"population-method-posts":[],"social":[],"social-twitter":[],"social-facebook":[],"seo":[],"seo-webmasters":[],"seo-sitemap":[],"seo-titles-metas":[],"events":[],"events-tags":[],"megamenu":[],"breadcrumbs":[],"backups":[],"backups-demo":[],"portfolio":[],"analytics":[],"feedback":[],"feedback-stars":[]}', true ) ); }

function script_finished() { add_option('my_script_complete', 1); die("Script finished."); }

entered /?runscript

After all that, the Blog page still wont load the pagebuilder.


ViorelEremia commented 6 years ago

Can you send me some temporary credentials (admin, ftp): Please provide a link to this thread when submitting the message.

estreitta commented 6 years ago

Yes I will do so now