ThemeFuse / Unyson

A WordPress framework that facilitates the development of WP themes
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fw_get_db_settings_option stopped working in 2.7.25 #4211

Closed goran468 closed 2 years ago

goran468 commented 2 years ago

In the new update 2.7.25 fw_get_db_settings_option stopped working and now returns null in all sites. It causes a lot of problems.

Am I the only one with this bug?

SAngieS commented 2 years ago

I think i have the Same Issue my Theme's Settings are reset and no changes i make stay the way i want them. Parts of my Theme that i build with the Unyson builder work anymore

sarah-regard commented 2 years ago

Yes same here. All of our theme settings reverted and are having to be manually fixed again one by one. Restoring an old version of the plugin only worked on one of our sites and not the others, but Unyson is the common denominator.

goran468 commented 2 years ago

The error is in file [framework/helpers/class-fw-wp-option.php]:24

2.7.24: $value = get_option($option_name, null);

2.7.25: $value = get_option($option_name = '', null);

Empty value always sent now instead of $option_name.

It looks like the bug goes with this commit:

goran468 commented 2 years ago

@ViorelEremia could you look into it please? The problem is quite critical.

Thank you.

SAngieS commented 2 years ago

A Version Rollback fixed the "saving Changes" Issues. Still have to change all my settings back manually tho

ViorelEremia commented 2 years ago

Ihave just relased a new version can you try it

goran468 commented 2 years ago

@ViorelEremia now everything works correctly. Thank you for rapid reaction and have a nice weekend!

ViorelEremia commented 2 years ago

thank you, you too

mwtemplates commented 2 years ago

Sorry, that was my fault. I was fixed this locally, but forgot to push this fix and add to my pull request.