ThemeFuse / Unyson

A WordPress framework that facilitates the development of WP themes
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ReferenceError: tinyMCEPreInit is not defined #4352

Open dekatron opened 2 weeks ago

dekatron commented 2 weeks ago

Error is from line 49 wp-content/plugins/unyson/framework/includes/option-types/wp-editor/static/scripts.js?ver=2.7.31

Happens when editing a schedule (custom post type) on the Exhibz theme. Used to work so presume this is something to do with either a WordPress, Theme or Plugin update, will post again if I figure out more info.

dekatron commented 2 weeks ago

/unyson/framework/includes/option-types/wp-editor/class-fw-option-type-wp-editor.php line 139 ish, tinymce is missing from the dependencies array:

        'fw-option-type-' . $this->get_type(),
        $uri . '/scripts.js',
        array( 'jquery', 'tinymce', 'fw-events', 'editor', 'fw' ),