Thenlie / turtle

"Wordle" clone
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Create User Profile Page #8

Closed Thenlie closed 2 years ago

Thenlie commented 2 years ago

Create the structure for User Profile page

Create the initial file structure, boilerplate code and routing for the Profile page.

Allow access to other users profiles

Expand on the Profile page to allow it to display other users profile's, not just a logged in users.

Create content for User Profile page

Create the three main content sections for the profile page. Fill them with initial content in both the profile and dashboard setting.

Define initial styling structure

Start defining the structure of the components and how they will be style. Using tailwind classes of course.

Thenlie commented 2 years ago

Initial Boiler Plate and structure set up. Will start working on the actual content tomorrow! Updated tasks for additional work.

Thenlie commented 2 years ago

Just about done! Just bug fixing for now until the score chart component is complete. Should get pushed this week.

Thenlie commented 2 years ago

Closed by #24