added sorting by highest time (use 2 global variables, 1 for time, 1 for old time, compare 2, and only update if new time > old time)
simplified sass (removed hover feature for boxes)
I spent a lot of time working on the solution to the update method being used with backend sorting, which could have been avoided if my team had planned the backend sorting with the update being used in mind.
Not all the styling is in sass which should be done next time.
There should be greater focus on education in our project
improved individual review for kevin added more info
fixed update to work with backend sorting (create global variable for times, then use global variable in update)
updated video with recent features link
added sorting by highest time (use 2 global variables, 1 for time, 1 for old time, compare 2, and only update if new time > old time)
simplified sass (removed hover feature for boxes)
I spent a lot of time working on the solution to the update method being used with backend sorting, which could have been avoided if my team had planned the backend sorting with the update being used in mind.
Not all the styling is in sass which should be done next time.
There should be greater focus on education in our project
could try having recent time and top time display