TheoKanning / openai-java

OpenAI Api Client in Java
MIT License
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funcation call + stream进行调用时返回的ChatFunctionCall对应中arguments丢失 #505

Open I-am-DJ opened 1 month ago

I-am-DJ commented 1 month ago


     public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, InterruptedException {
        try {
            ObjectMapper mapper = defaultObjectMapper();
            OkHttpClient client = defaultClient("", Duration.of(10000L,ChronoUnit.SECONDS))
            Retrofit retrofit = defaultRetrofit(client, mapper);
            Class<Retrofit> clazz = Retrofit.class;
            Field baseUrl = clazz.getDeclaredField("baseUrl");
            baseUrl.set(retrofit, HttpUrl.get(BASE_URL));
            OpenAiApi api = retrofit.create(OpenAiApi.class);
            OpenAiService service = new OpenAiService(api);
            List<ChatMessage> messages = Lists.newArrayList();
            messages.add(new ChatMessage("system", "Please use the functions provided below to determine what function needs to be called for the user's problem. " +
                    "If the necessary parameters are missing when calling the function, please return to the user in this format and prompt the user to pass the necessary parameters:\n" +
                    "We also need the following information to complete your request: Required Parameter 1, Required Parameter 2\n" +
                    "Make sure your prompts are accurate, polite, and the directly relevant information is obvious and understandable to users"));
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
            //"Tell me the weather"
            messages.add(new ChatMessage("user", scanner.nextLine()));
            while (true) {
                ChatFunctionDynamic chatFunctionDynamic = getChatFunctionDynamic();
                ChatCompletionRequest chatCompletionRequest = ChatCompletionRequest

                Flowable<ChatCompletionChunk> flowable = service.streamChatCompletion(chatCompletionRequest);
                AtomicBoolean isFirst = new AtomicBoolean(true);
                ChatMessage responseMessage = service.mapStreamToAccumulator(flowable).doOnNext(accumulator -> {
                            if (accumulator.isFunctionCall()) {
                                ChatFunctionCall functionCall = accumulator.getAccumulatedChatFunctionCall();
                                if (isFirst.getAndSet(false)) {
                                    System.out.println("Executing function " + functionCall.getName() + "...");
                            } else {
                                if (isFirst.getAndSet(false)) {

                                    System.out.print("Response: ");
                                if (accumulator.getMessageChunk().getContent() != null) {
                ChatFunctionCall functionCall = responseMessage.getFunctionCall();
                if (functionCall != null) {
                    if (functionCall.getName().equals("get_weather")) {
                        String location = functionCall.getArguments().get("location").asText();
                        String unit = functionCall.getArguments().get("unit").asText();
                        WeatherResponse weather = getWeather(location, unit);
                        ChatMessage weatherMessage = new ChatMessage(ChatMessageRole.FUNCTION.value(), JSON.toJSONString(weather), "get_weather");
                System.out.print("Next Query: ");

                String nextLine = scanner.nextLine();
                if (nextLine.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) {

                messages.add(new ChatMessage(ChatMessageRole.USER.value(), nextLine));
        } catch (Exception e) {


    private static WeatherResponse getWeather(String location, String unit) {
        return new WeatherResponse(location, WeatherUnit.valueOf(unit), new Random().nextInt(40), "sunny");

    public static ChatFunctionDynamic getChatFunctionDynamic() {
        return ChatFunctionDynamic.builder()
                .description("Get the current weather of a location")
                        .description("City and state, for example: León, Guanajuato")
                        .description("The temperature unit, can be 'CELSIUS' or 'FAHRENHEIT'")
                        .enumValues(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("CELSIUS", "FAHRENHEIT")))

对应的报错信息,在String location = functionCall.getArguments().get("location").asText();该行报错

    at com.mybank.bkinfocenter.common.recognition.web.Test.main(

debug代码查看 com.theokanning.openai.service.OpenAiService#mapStreamToAccumulator方法中messageChunk中的arguments类型为objectNode,从而导致asText()方法返回的结果为"" image


I-am-DJ commented 1 month ago


I-am-DJ commented 1 month ago


public static class Deserializer extends JsonDeserializer<JsonNode> {

        private Deserializer() {

        public JsonNode deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
            String json = p.getValueAsString();

            if (json == null || p.currentToken() == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) {
                return null;
            // ADDED
            json = MAPPER.writeValueAsString(json);
           // END ADDED
            try {
                JsonNode node = null;
                try {
                    node = MAPPER.readTree(json);
                } catch (JsonParseException ignored) {
                if (node == null || node.getNodeType() == JsonNodeType.MISSING) {
                    node = MAPPER.readTree(p);
                return node;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return null;
     public Flowable<ChatMessageAccumulator> mapStreamToAccumulator(Flowable<ChatCompletionChunk> flowable) {
        ChatFunctionCall functionCall = new ChatFunctionCall(null, null);
        ChatMessage accumulatedMessage = new ChatMessage(ChatMessageRole.ASSISTANT.value(), null);

        return -> {
            ChatMessage messageChunk = chunk.getChoices().get(0).getMessage();
            ChatFunctionCall chunkFunctionCall = new ChatFunctionCall(null, null);
            if (messageChunk.getFunctionCall() != null) {
                if (messageChunk.getFunctionCall().getName() != null) {
                    String namePart = messageChunk.getFunctionCall().getName();
                    chunkFunctionCall.setName((functionCall.getName() == null ? "" : functionCall.getName()) + namePart);
                if (messageChunk.getFunctionCall().getArguments() != null) {
                    String argumentsPart = messageChunk.getFunctionCall().getArguments().asText();
                    chunkFunctionCall.setArguments(new TextNode((functionCall.getArguments() == null ? "" : functionCall.getArguments().asText()) + argumentsPart));
            } else {
                accumulatedMessage.setContent((accumulatedMessage.getContent() == null ? "" : accumulatedMessage.getContent()) + (messageChunk.getContent() == null ? "" : messageChunk.getContent()));

            if (chunk.getChoices().get(0).getFinishReason() != null) { // last
                if (chunkFunctionCall.getArguments() != null) {

            return new ChatMessageAccumulator(messageChunk, accumulatedMessage);


Lambdua commented 1 month ago

这个其实根本原因是序列化的问题. 这个库在序列化时对于<",">这个字段序列化有问题,所有会有各种textNode和ObjectNode转换问题. 我fork后的库修复了这个问题. 欢迎使用 openai4j.