TheoKriszt / eGarden

Android client for a connected garden : monitor plants, take timelapses, snapshots,receive watering alerts, water the plants remotely and more !
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Still active? #8

Open eisengrau opened 4 years ago

eisengrau commented 4 years ago


I would really like to see such project being actively maintained? Are there any pre-built binaries available?

Thank You,

TheoKriszt commented 4 years ago


Development has stopped quite a while ago. As for a stable binary, I should have one lying around, however you'll need a Raspbery Pi with Node-Red or similar (the Android app is merely a dashboard with alerts and IoT remote control features while the Raspberry Pi takes and stores pictures while managing the server side).

Still interested ?

(Damn I should really write that readme some day...)

eisengrau commented 4 years ago


Thank you for your reply!

While I do have some spare RPis lying around, I used to test and run these in an LXC container (or in a VM) on my x86 server. If you have like a pre-pacakged SD card image, maybe there is a possiblity to convert it into an LXC, as well. Or if it's just an installer script, or a tarball, I guess it's even easier, there is no need for any conversion.

Yeah, even just a brief readme whould be helpful :).

Thank You, L.

TheoKriszt commented 4 years ago


I think Node-red can be dockerized.

As for the Raspbery Pi, you'll also need one of those CSI cameras to get started.

Unfortunately, I think I lost those backups during a flood (of course it wasn't versioned, sigh). I may have left a prototype to a certain person... We'll see...

BTW, maybe I'll make it again more cleanly, but not in the forseeable future.