Thermionix / fusion360

This is the snap for Autodesk Fusion 360
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Login sequence tries to run adskidmgr which does not exist #31

Open mansson opened 1 month ago

mansson commented 1 month ago

When starting the program I first get this dialog image Then I am redirected to the browser for login which succeeds, but then the browser tries to invoke a program called "adskidmgr" which does not exist. Am I missing something or does this snap not work on Ubuntu 24:04?

thor171 commented 1 month ago

Same here, running on Linux Mint 21.2.

Thermionix commented 1 month ago

can you check the output of cat ~/.local/share/applications/adskidmgr-opener.desktop and find ~/snap/fusion360/common/.wine/drive_c/users/ -name "AdskIdentityManager.exe" | head -1

mansson commented 1 month ago
tony@bamse:~$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/adskidmgr-opener.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=adskidmgr Scheme Handler
Exec=sh -c ' "$(find /home/tony/snap/fusion360/common/.wine -name "AdskIdentityManager.exe" | head -1 | xargs -I '{}' echo {})" "%u"'
tony@bamse:~$ find ~/snap/fusion360/common/.wine/drive_c/users/ -name "AdskIdentityManager.exe" | head -1
tony@bamse:~$ find ~/snap/fusion360/common/.wine/ -name "AdskIdentityManager.exe" | head -1
/home/tony/snap/fusion360/common/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/14ed922b69699e8f6b3248e97ab0529124a82e85/Autodesk Identity Manager/AdskIdentityManager.exe
thor171 commented 1 month ago

yves@yves-PC:~$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/adskidmgr-opener.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=adskidmgr Scheme Handler
Exec=sh -c ' "$(find /home/yves/snap/fusion360/common/.wine -name "AdskIdentityManager.exe" | head -1 | xargs -I '{}' echo {})" "%u"'

yves@yves-PC:~$ find ~/snap/fusion360/common/.wine/drive_c/users/ -name "AdskIdentityManager.exe" | head -1
krloshenao commented 1 month ago

hi, tanks for the snap, same here as thor171, as work around how can i pass "adskidmgr:/login?code=" in the terminal? aditionaly if i run sh -c ' "$(find /home/.../snap/fusion360/common/.wine -name "AdskIdentityManager.exe" | head -1 | xargs -I '{}' echo {})" "%u"' i get ERROR: object '/snap/fusion360/33/gnome-platform/$LIB/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. ERROR: object '/snap/fusion360/33/gnome-platform/$LIB/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. ERROR: object '/snap/fusion360/33/gnome-platform/$LIB/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. ERROR: object '/snap/fusion360/33/gnome-platform/$LIB/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.

mansson commented 1 month ago

So to clarify: Apparently the .desktop file is created so that it is unable to find the executable AdskIdentityManager.exe. A workaround should be to modify the .desktop file to contain: Exec=sh -c ' "$(find /home/tony/snap/fusion360/common/.wine -name "AdskIdentityManager.exe" | head -1 | xargs -I '{}' echo {})" "%u"' That enables us to come a bit further, but Fusion still won't start due to "No Apps Available". I'll create a separate ticket for that.