Closed SyMP2005 closed 8 years ago
Pop-up targets pop back up after like 3 seconds @jonpas?
Shouldn't happen until you hit it (cause some damage on them). Maybe there is some damage taken during animation (if it goes through wall or something), you can add that to the loop where you animate the targets:
_x setVariable [QTACGVAR(stayDown), true, true];
And in script_component.hpp
#define TACGVAR(var1,var2) TRIPLES(tac,var1,var2)
#define QTACGVAR(var1,var2) QUOTE(TRIPLES(tac,var1,var2))
Indeed happens after they're shot down, forgot to mention that. Can that still be fixed with the loop?
Yes, that will force it to stay down until manually put back up with animation (a courtesy of having a custom script running for popups - previously only a global variable could be used which forced all targets on map to act the same).
ok thanks! :)
{ [_x, 0] call TACFUNC(shootingrange,animateTarget); } forEach _targets;