ThetaTau / CMT

App for the Theta Tau Chapter Management Tool
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Attendance App #11

Open VenturaFranklin opened 6 years ago

VenturaFranklin commented 6 years ago

GanttStart: 2020-08-01 GanttDue: 2020-08-02

jquarshi commented 3 years ago

As a Chapter Scribe, I would like to be able to see a roster and select the members who attended, and an ability to 'CHECK ALL' would be beneficial. This would allow me to streamline inputting data into the CMT and not put it in one by one.

Acceptance Criteria When dealing with attendance for an event, a roster will appear with options to indicate which members attended. Calculates quorum based on current active members, and displays when it has been reached.

VenturaFranklin commented 2 years ago

No real need / desire for this for EVERY event however, would be useful for large events, ie Regionals, Nationals, Habitat, etc.