ThexXTURBOXx / BlockHelper

Basically WAILA for b1.6.5-1.5.2
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link

Issues to be fixed in next version #1

Closed ThexXTURBOXx closed 2 years ago

ThexXTURBOXx commented 3 years ago

Release Block Helper for more Minecraft versions

Mod compatibility

Other issues

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

So, despite university and so on, I decided to fix some more stuff/add some more stuff from the TODO list. Now, there are only two TODOs missing: Forestry and Pam's HarvestCraft. It's already 1 AM here in Germany, so I won't start to work on these now, but will wait with these until my exam is really over. Until then, I won't push a new update besides the pre9 release, which is now available in my BlockHelperPre folder (I won't upload that one to Modrinth or CurseForge yet, because there are many things that still need more testing). The new release features:

This will really be my good bye for now (until my exam) :) Until then, happy testing and so on! ^^

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

Please don't panic: I haven't forgotten about this :) I have been working really hard on getting Pam's Mods working... But as of now, only 1.5.2 works to some extent. 1.2.5, 1.3.2 and 1.4.7 have no integration with Pam's Mods yet. I have, however, already addressed all the other issues from the list above. Overall, BlockHelper 1.0.0 is right around the corner and just needs some finishing touches. I will upload the next (and maybe even last or penultimate) pre-release as soon as Pam's Mods integration is finished (their code quality is really poor. That's why it takes so long to do that).

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

Soooo, as promised... The next pre-release is here and it is HUGE! As soon as you join a world, you will be able to notice one of the biggest changes: The overlay now properly supports adjusting opacity/alpha! But not only that: You can even completely customize the colors in the config file! Apart from that, I optimized the mod here and there, properly unified and documented the API and fixed/integrated a few more mods. You can see the full changelog below:

As you can see, many things have changed since last time and I hope, I didn't break anything. If you find any bug, please report it and I will try to fix it asap. If you don't find any bugs in this new pre-release, I will port this pre-release to all the other Minecraft versions as well and then upload these all als Release Candidates to CurseForge and Modrinth.

Overall, thanks for your patience and testing, I really appreciate it! :)

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

For about the last 2-3 weeks, I've been testing out your pre9 for MC125 on my bukkit server. I have to say, the Forestry read-outs were working very well. Even noticed you'd gone that extra mile showing things like the Fermenter's tanks - both of them, with how much was left in each tank - nice. Not had any problems as of yet, so going to switch to your pre10 version and see how I get on with that. Your update looks quite a feast of extra features. I haven't got any of Pam's mods installed, mainly because the pyramid never had them, so I didn't know the problems with that. Not sure what I've got of Pam's stuff early versions, but if I can find any, I'll give them a try as well. Redpower is doing ok though.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your valuable feedback! I am looking forward to hearing about the pre10 version, although you maybe won't notice some changes immediately. Also, I was working on some more features in the mean time, such as:

Since university is hitting hard again, I don't know if I will have to pause development at some point again, but I would really like to publish 1.0.0 at some point this year (at least). One of the only things left for the 1.0.0 release will be finishing/polishing the ports to other MC versions.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

It's been another three months of university and I am very stressed out... But anyways, I have uploaded a new pre-release. This time for every Minecraft version advertised in the first post here. Overall, the following things changed:

If no major bugs occurr, this will be the last pre-release of 1.0.0. So, I am hoping for feedback on this pre-release of BlockHelper! :)

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

I have been using your last version of Blockhelper for MC125 on client and bukkit. I haven't found any issues with it up to date, and I've been using it on and off for about a couple of months trying to finish off my Pyramid SMP. I am having a final playthrough before considering it finished. Then I'll be trying to complete my vanilla server version. I'll switch to this latest version today and see if there are any issues, but considering I hadn't found any in the previous version - its doubtful I'll find any. Very interesting to note the b173 and b181 versions. I have started a retro - retro pyramid in b173 a little while ago. I'm not yet fully committed as to whether it'll be b173 or b181, since mods are a little thin of the type I need for b173, especially for SMP play. I'm looking forward to trying Blockhelper for both these versions. Thanks for the update.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for the feedback on pre10! I'm very glad you haven't had any issues with it :) I found some smaller issues which are related to the block rendering in the HUD, but I will just try to fix them together with the release of 1.0.0 (if no other major issues are found). You're more than welcome to test as many versions of BlockHelper as you'd like :) Thank you very much for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

I have tried MC versons 1.2.3, 1.2.5 and 1.1 ......... only a little test. Each load, your mod nags me to get font fixer. The text says its on modrinth. I went to modrinth. In the search I typed 'font' - got nothing, typed 'fixer', got a few results - but no font fixer, gave up. Other than that, in the small amount of testing I've done, so far, no problems.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

Oh yes, that text might be a little misleading right now. I plan on uploading FontFixer and ClassLoaderFixer to Modrinth, but I haven't done it yet. For now, you can download them in the according branches here on Github, e.g. you can find the 1.1 version here: In pre10, you were asked to download it from a link. However, has been deprecated and will be shut down at any point in the near future. That's why I already removed the URLs and advertised it being on Modrinth. That will change soon :)

Thank you for testing these, though! I really appreciate the feedback!

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

I applied the fontfixer for MC 125, but it didn't seem to work this time. I found that I'm using 'OptiFine_1.2.5_HD_C3' which also modifies the same class, so not sure its going to cause an issue if I make it load after optifine. .......... and thanks for the info above ........

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

Yes, both OptiFine and FontFixer edit the same class. Since OptiFine doesn't seem to work correctly on my Laptop (the whole UI is black and white and most other things are also broken), I am not able to test compatibility right now. Thus, I will try to investigate possible issues tomorrow or in two days when I am home. Again, thanks for reporting!

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

I'm back home and tested everything on my main computer. For me, the Font Fixer works fine when being applied after OptiFine, without any notable issues. However, if any issues arise for you, I will of course fix them! :)

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

I shall give it a try ......... thanks.

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

Although not a great issue, I am currently using the Soartex Fanver modded texturepack for MC125 As soon as I reached the main menu, I could see that the menu font had been changed back to the default with Fontfixer loaded. As I say, not a great issue, but thought I'd let you know.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

You are indeed right, the Font Fixer is not completely compatible with OptiFine. It is compatible since there are no crashes, but custom Fonts are not supported by Font Fixer. I actually tried to make it compatible with OptiFine as well, but didn't succeed in doing so. For now, I will just let this be as-is. Maybe I am able to properly support OptiFine at some point. Thanks for reporting, though!

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

Ok, no problem ....... Just a thought with Forestry machines, I noticed on a pack for MC 1.2.5 that I'm using tonight, at quick glance, it looked like my Forestry machines were using millions of MJ. Of course, a longer look showed me the decimal point. From my point of view, having a figure showing 7 or more decimal places (moving so fast you struggle to see that amount of numbers anyway) is rather too much. This only seemed to affect Forestry machines, i.e. the farms and the unit they are usually paired with. ex. Logger and Arboretum. IC2 machines don't appear to have decimal places at all in the EU readings. I'm assuming if you feel Forestry machines must have a decimal place in the energy readout, perhaps 2 places would suffice ............ just a thought.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

I already thought that using double precision to show the energy values might be too overkill. Actually, IC²'s API only gives me these decimal values and it's up to the mod to decide whether it wants to save decimal values or not. As it seems, IC² does not use this double precision whilst Forestry rigorously uses them. Anyway, this is an easy fix, which will be present in the 1.0.0 release :)

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

One other thing I've been thinking about is your text chat about Fontfixer. Since some people may choose to use Blockhelper and Optifine without Fontfixer, they would be constantly hit with the chat message each time they start. Maybe a config option to stop that chat if that's what they choose to do. Default is on, but can be turned off, just so it doesn't cheese people off if they don't want to install Fontfixer? It can be surprising how the little things can sometimes upset users ....... It's also intereresting to see how far the mod has been developed up to date. The inclusion of an icon of what you are looking at in the panel is a nice touch. I'm going to be using the MC1.1 version for a short while now ...... I'll see how I get on.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

Oh yes, haven't thought about this aspect yet. That is indeed a good point. A config option for disabling these messages will be added in the 1.0.0 release. Thank you very much for testing the versions, I really appreciate it! :)

ThePixelbrain commented 2 years ago

I also installed the lastest PreRelease for the 1.4.7 version and will report any bugs I find while playing Ultimate. (Though I doubt I will find any, because I haven't previously)

Also spreaded the link on our FTB Ultimate discord, so maybe a few more will try the prerelease out. It's a really great mod I don't wanna miss anymore. Keep up the great work!

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

@ThePixelbrain Thank you very much for testing and spreading the good word! :) Looking forward to hear feedback also from you! ^^

@IceT2 The bugs you have reported are already fixed and will be included in 1.0.0.

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

Tonight I tried the b181 version with my bukkit server. Client was ok, but dropping your mod into the mods folder on the server, the server kept coming up with a sealing violation. The only way I could get it to run was to edit and unseal by editing : Sealed: false. Is this how its supposed to work ? Seemed ok after I did that.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for the feedback! Yes, that was a well known problem at that time. I actually had the same problem at first and unsealed it manually. Newer versions of MCPC+ patched this behavior, actually. Might be worth mentioning in the README and mod description, though.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

I finally released 1.0.0 on both Modrinth and CurseForge.

Have fun and be sure to continue reporting bugs! :)

Also, the Update Checker won't notify you about any update until another version (e.g. 1.0.1) is released. This is normal :)

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

Nothing game breaking, but I thought I'd let you know of a couplle of things I've come across on your MC1.1 version. This happens when I'm using the client and connecting to a bukkit server (BlockHelper-1.0.0-pre11-1.1-mcpc). image The Enderman is not showing any health. This happens on other passive and hostile mobs from time to time. Unfortunately, I am unable to give an exact 'this is what you do to make it happen' - it appears to be just random times. image This is using Forestry on both client and bukkit server. Looking at a Still, the fluid name is not quite what it should be. The bukkit server file I'm using is 'craftbukkit-1.1-R4-MLMP-Forge-BukkitFix' which has built-in modloader and forge. As I say nothing game-breaking. I noticed you haven't done your full release on that version yet. One thing to add, I do miss the blue text for the mod name, but again, that's just a preference thing.

ThexXTURBOXx commented 2 years ago

For the first issue: That's very strange... I've had such issues before myself, however, I fixed them by choosing a lossless encoding for the MLMP packets. If, at some point, I am able to reproduce the issue, I can look out for ways to fix it, of course :) Also, are you sure that 1.0.0 is not out yet for 1.1? As far as I am concerned, you should be able to download the release already.

Oh yes, the liquid names... I've had lots of fun with those... The underlying issue is that Forestry, BuildCraft etc. do not provide appropriate translations for the liquids. I tried fixing these issues by providing them myself, but that did not work for some reason, so I scrapped my approach back then. I do have major restructuring plans for 2.0.0, however. I want to deploy a kind-of-like-WAILA approach to BlockHelper's API. All the text-only packets will be changed to NBT data packets and the client will handle all the information and translations. The old API will of course persist since I do not want to introduce such huge refactors and break compatibility, obviously. Of course, 2.0.0 is far away in the future, but maybe it will solve many of these issues :)

Edit: Forgot the blue text thing: Have you installed Font Fixer? Some formatting codes are "missing" (i.e. not implemented) in 1.1.

IceT2 commented 2 years ago

I have obviously missed the 1.0.0. release for MC1,1 - I have downloaded and installed. Yes, installing Fontfixer restores the blue text for the modname. I remember installing it, but I un-installed it. On the screenshots above, you'll see I use the CJB mod and Rei's minimap and the font gets changed on those mods as well and I preferred the texturepack font with optifine installed. Now its a dilema whether to have blue text or the preferred font ......... decisions, decisions ......

The only thing I can add about the mobs not displaying health, I first noticed it with the Enderman, hence the screenshot. I noticed it happens more frequently if I attack an Enderman and he teleports away a short distance and I catch up to him again. This is probably more practical on a skyblock map like the one I am playing, since he doesn't have that much land to teleport to. It does happen with other mobs, but I would say less frequent then the enderman.