ThibaultGROUEIX / ChamferDistancePytorch

Chamfer Distance in Pytorch with f-score
MIT License
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"error in nnd updateOutput: invalid device function" #12

Closed woolpeeker closed 4 years ago

woolpeeker commented 4 years ago

I use ubuntu 18.04, 2080ti and pytorch==1.5.0 CUDA==10.1

In [1]: import torch                                                                                                                                                                                      
In [2]: import externals.ChamferDistancePytorch.chamfer3D.dist_chamfer_3D as dist_chamfer_3D                                                                                                              
Loaded compiled 3D CUDA chamfer distance
In [3]: chamLoss = dist_chamfer_3D.chamfer_3DDist()                                                                                                                                                       
In [4]: points1 = torch.rand(32, 1000, 3).cuda()
In [5]: points2 = torch.rand(32, 1000, 3).cuda()                                                                                                                                                          
In [6]: dist1, dist2, idx1, idx2 = chamLoss(points1, points2)                                                                                                                                             
error in nnd updateOutput: invalid device function
woolpeeker commented 4 years ago

My bad, I don't set CUDA_HOME environmanet variable and it leads the difference cuda version.