ThibautSF / ParadoxosModManager

Software to manage mods for recent Paradox games
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Open the mod directory in the system explorer #28

Open NicolasGrosjean opened 6 years ago

NicolasGrosjean commented 6 years ago

I have advised someone to use the Paradoxos Mod Manager to find the directory of a mod.

He found it can be useful to directly access to the mod directory like it is possible to go to the Steam workshop page.

ThibautSF commented 6 years ago

I make a variant of ButtonCell called MultipleButtonCell for a "Options" column (maybe rename "Actions"...) Here first button open steam workshop page (like right click, so we will be able to use right click for other things), the second open the dir folder in system file explorer, and the third is the conflict button. image

No image set for dir, i'm searching a good free icon set to use for non commercial app (if you have any ideas).

One error known for now :

Other thing, for the conflict button we can :

NicolasGrosjean commented 6 years ago
ThibautSF commented 6 years ago


Keep only Steam and Dir buttons Rename column to "Actions" (screenshot not correct, from previous run), the column will contains all future buttons Now if there is no conflict, the button is disabled (i keep in case BasicDialog.showGenericDialog("No conflicts", "Only highlighted items in orange have conflicts",AlertType.ERROR); )

image If there isn't any steamID, steam button is disabled If dir doesn't exist (like here with relative path), dir button is disabled

ThibautSF commented 6 years ago

Correct relative path on adca3a685a4fff689fe39f07d9a6151e4aa924b5 and f3c1825c7cac527517071d2cac4476ee2653403a (this last one is just a correction of a little fail)

ThibautSF commented 6 years ago

I put that here, in order to try to open the workshop page in steam.

steam://url/<named page>
Opens a special, named web pages:
Opens a Workshop/Greenlight submission.
ThibautSF commented 6 years ago

I will see to use FontAwesome In the zip, path advanced-options\raw-svg\ there is all free icons in svg.

Even a choice for Steam ^^ image

ThibautSF commented 6 years ago

So i add the library fontawesomeFX (version 8.9 the last i found in jar)

You can use this tool to find an icon (it's for 8.15 so maybe some icons won't work ^^) image

Need to work on icon size image