ThibautSF / ParadoxosModManager

Software to manage mods for recent Paradox games
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Online new version checker #4

Closed ThibautSF closed 7 years ago

ThibautSF commented 7 years ago

One major update i want to do : The app check at launch if a new version is available (if a new version is found -> info dialog with link to the repository).

But i don't know how to do this (where to stock the actual app version online)...

Maybe we can access to a file stocked on github and get this current app version...

ThibautSF commented 7 years ago

Yeah ! Double commit ! ^^

If you can test that. And when #1 is ready i think we can push a 0.4.0 :)

ThibautSF commented 7 years ago

Can you send me your email (Steam or deleted) so i can add rights to modify the Google Drive of the app ;)

NicolasGrosjean commented 7 years ago


ThibautSF commented 7 years ago

There is still a bug... my "if" is not good. I correct that ASAP.

Can you start to update the documentation ?

NicolasGrosjean commented 7 years ago

Sorry I have missed your comment about documentation. Maybe I have seen only your commit.

ThibautSF commented 7 years ago

No problem ^^

I make edit of documentation, if you find something wrong or want to add something, feel free.